Thursday 4 October 2018

The Outer Body And Journey Toward Eternity

The Outer Body And Journey Toward Eternity

the journey of the soul toward eternity
The flesh serves as an engine inhabiting your soul. It's serves as a body given to you for a space of time. The body is not going to heaven no matter the investment you put on it. A day is coming when the body and the soul shall separates and no doctor can prevent it from enacting. Every investment on the body both physically or academically will be swallowed by termites and maggot in the grave.

After the fall of Adam the flesh and God become greatest enemy. Where are the flesh of your Ancestors? They have been consumed by maggots. The flesh hates to abide under holiness, fasting and prayers. Moreover, the image you behold or sighted on the mirror is not your real identity. Your real self is your soul.

The flesh profited nothing because it has no eternal value. John 6:63 "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life" Hence, when your soul depart from your flesh who will drive your car? wear your shoes or dresses? Who will spend your money or sleep on your bed. Nevertheless, always ensure your flesh didn't send your soul to hell fire for an everlasting torment.
The bible said, Hebrew 9:27 "after death judgment follows. Many people has no knowledge of this, while some people believe after death, that’s end. Nothing like Aljanah, nothing Like Poultugory, Nothing like Earth forever. It’s either Heaven or Hell. And without Jesus, there is no heaven.
the jourmey of the soul toward eternity

Once you died, the first thing that first happened is, your soul will be isolated from your body. When a man sleep, he doesn’t know when he sleeps, the same thing apply unto a man. You can’t know when you are dying but you will just found out that you have become two.  One body will be lying on ground / bed, while the other one will be standing, watching the one lying down.

Seeing the one lying down, his/her memory will be fresh such that, you can never remember anything about this world again. Because that’s the end. You can never remember you have ever married before, neither will you remember you have a wife, or bank account or anything, because you no longer have any business with the world again.
the journey of the soul toward eternity

The body lying on the ground will be putting on a cloths while the one standing is naked  Job 1:21 "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither" I want you to know that, once you died, everything that were invisible to you when you were still in your mortal body will be visible to you. If you died in sin, without repenting from your sin, there are some creatures that will come to you to claim your soul, it’s then you will regards your body as your worst enemy, for it make you yield to the voice of satan.
Then you will see some terrible creatures that you can never imagine of ever seeing in life In Job 7:14 it says, "thou scarest me with dreams and terrifieth me with visions." If God should open your eyes for a second to see this creatures in your physical body it take you up to a year to calm down, and become like a normal person again. Because you will be so upset and traumatized from the fear that will changed your whole viewpoint on how to appreciate what God saved us from. They hate humanity with all kind of hatred. For they lack mercy.

Okay let’s see an example in Mathew 17:15. Where the man was begging Jesus to have mercy on him because the demons was tormenting his son  Of times he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water. That’s to show how wicked they are. At also the Gatherene, Man that torment himself with a stone.
the journey of the soul toward eternity
If any man died a sinner without accepting Christ at all, this creature will come and drag him /her and descend to hell. There evil claw will even tear your body all in the name of dragging. Why? in Micah 3:2 You who hate good and love evil; Who strip the skin from My people, And the flesh from their bones. This is what these demon do to their prisoners.

If you died as a believer, you will have to ascend to heaven to receive your Judgment. Then you will be moving upward even as faster as jet if not more than Jet. Then you will find yourself among thousands of people on a line, everyone full of fear. Why are they afraid (Isaiah 33:14 ) says "The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?
the queen of dead awaiting judgment
You can meet 300,000 people on the line, but after 5 minute, turn your back again, more than 5,000 has queued already at your back, this is to shows that more than 100,000 souls died daily. WHY SHOULD THEY RECEIVE JUDGEMENT AGAIN AFTER THE DEMONS HAS TAKING THEIR PRISONER, AND THESE ONE BELIEVE IN JESUS ALREADY? Mathew 7:21 "Not all that says unto me Lord Lord will enter my kingdom but only those who do the will of my father who is in heaven.
So you will see different kind of people on the queue, both Old, Presidents, Children, Women and Men etc. waiting for what? Revelation 20:11-13 "And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. (That is, they will all try to run away but you can never control your body again, but it’s the power from above that will control your body,) 

And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. According to Revelation, I draft my conclusions that The two books are different in sizes, one contain those names of the condemned one while the smaller one contain the names of the saint in Christ.
Why didn't God send them to hell from earth, like those that never believe in Jesus Christ. Psalm 51:4 so that God will be justify. So that you will not say, but I has accepted you as my lord and Savior So that you will not say, but I’m a Pastor, Preacher etc, so that you won’t have any excuse when God is telling you to depart away from him.
He will want to let you know why you cannot enter his kingdom. Once judgment reach your turn, you will find yourself before the angel with the book, and all things you ever think it’s cover will found you out. There is nothing hidden that will never be reviewed. This a point where many had been disqualified from entering heaven, due to one single silly mistake or another. Some, just because of ear ring, jewelries, attachments, etc, they will not be able to enter.
Because once you stand there and the angel tell you you can’t enter because of those thing, the owner (Devil will come to you and quote Ezekiel 7:19-23 to you that those things belong to them. That’s where little sin will hindered many not to proceed any more. According to revelation, I’ve also draft my conclusion that if 100,000 receive judgement, may be only two will proceed.
So brethren, I will want to seize this opportunity to tell you that, do your best, try all your effort to enter trough that narrow gate. Once you get there and your name is not found in book of life, there is no amount of begging. God can never forgive you there. Mercy can only be found here on earth.
Repent and Avoid going to hell. False doctrine, Fake Pastors, Prosperity preachers, etc will all lead you to hell. 80% of today churches will lead you to hell. Study the word of God on your own, and whenever you found out that, there is something wrong about your doctrine in the bible, run away from that church.
Why God Will Not Have Mercy On Who Where Mislead By Their Pastors?
Because the Sodom and Gomorrah has no bible, may be they would have read and repent, but you have a bible, you should have study to escape hell, but you put everything on your pastor to be the reader, and you will be the doer of whatsoever he says. This is the time to check yourself and escape hell. Please Repent Today and Amend your ways.

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