Thursday 4 October 2018

A Peculiar Vision Of Rapture Of What Is Going To Happen Soon

A Peculiar Vision Of Rapture Of What Is Going To Happen Soon

A Peculiar Vision Of Rapture Of What Is Going To Happen Soon
The most fearful thing that always creates fear in the heart of careless and backsliding Christians, who are often careless about the salvation of their soul, is the sound and tune message of rapture. The message of rapture often tremble their heart because they vividly understand the consequence of missing rapture. However, it quite unfortunate that many Christians are not yet ready for rapture or the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ due to their pathetic sinful lifestyles.
John 14; 1-4 "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know"

DOWNLOAD AND WATCHThe Scene Of Sudden Rapture In The Church And Tv Broadcast Of Sudden Rapture.
This promised was uttered by our Lord Jesus Christ unto his disciples and it gloriously serves as a great relieve of burden and worries from their sorrowful mind. Hence, in midst of trial, persecution and temptation, they always sight back unto this glorious promise and it eventually serves as source of hope unto their death. 
1 Corinthians 15;50-53 "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 51, Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality"
The rapture of the saints is an event that shall takes place very soon. It implies the fulfillment of the glorious promised uttered by our Lord while he was on Earth. Moreover, Apostle Paul letter to the Church in Corinth and Thessalonians also emphasized about the teaching of rapture which also helps in revitalizing the faith and hope of the church.
They were spiritually strengthened by this glorious promise of second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hence, I don't know where you have been drawing your strength of hope In Christ all this while? Do you drew your strength of hope through the pursuit of money, sexual immoralities, luxuries or pleasure things of this world?

1 Thessalonians 4;14-18 "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15, For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16, For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17, Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18, Wherefore comfort one another with these words"
A Peculiar Vision Of Rapture Of What Is Going To Happen Soon
Howbeit, I don’t know your Christian scheme of living but you ought to understand that rapture is imminent and isn’t something that will occur in next 5-10 years. It can occur at any moment from now. It might even take place in next hour because we are living in a delicate period of our race where things are bound to occur beyond our expectation.
Matthew 24;29-31 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other”
All the signs of second coming of  our Lord Jesus Christ are everywhere. The gospel has been preached all over the world through the aid of internet and social media. Therefore, if you are not yet ready for rapture, perhaps still harboring sins in your Christian life. My beloved, this hour is the best time to quickly goes on your knee and began to confess and plead for the Lord mercy because tomorrow might be too late.
Hence, even if peradventure you die today, let it be known to you that your rapture has also taken place because death is inevitable and it’s a must for humanity. Nevertheless, below is a divine revelation of a peculiar vision of how the imminent of rapture will transpire. This glorious account was testified by evangelist Olav Rodge (Norwegian) when he visited his beloved brethren in Bergen (in Norway) in 1952.
A Peculiar Vision Of Rapture Of What Is Going To Happen Soon by olav rodge
A Peculiar Vision (or prophecy) By Olav Rodge On 11.12.1952
What I have written here I experience in a vision some years ago, when visiting a friend’s home in Bergen (somewhere in the Norway). The vision greatly shook me. I saw the vision when reading a book – small leaflet. Things like this did not at all occupy my mind at that moment. I felt I should have written it down, but I did not know if it was just imagination.
I wanted to dismiss it from my mind as a product of imagination, but I could not get any peace of mind. I told God, “I cannot remember all of these, if I must write it down, you must give it to me again” A fortnight passed and then I received it again. It was as if I had sat down to write a story in a newspaper or in a book.
It was 10.00 pm. I fetched a pencil and wrote down in an old cash book until the early hours of the morning. Then I could not go anymore. I was 78 years old at that time and felt exhausted with writing so much. I asked the Lord to give me rest from all this writing. But one night at ten o’clock the vision came back. It continued from where it ended the previous time. I hoped that this short writing of mine would benefit someone.
A Peculiar Vision Of Rapture Of What Is Going To Happen Soon.
It is nine o’clock in the morning. Mrs. Andersen is sitting by the radio and listening to the children’s programme. Today, it is very good, slightly religious and so it should be. Religion is good for the little ones but not too much for that could be unsound. About five minutes passed, then from the broadcasting came suddenly an announcement; “the city is filled with panic. Police authorities tell that something extraordinary had happened. Many children and adults have vanished without leaving a trace.”
A Vision Of Rapture news on television
The authorities cannot begin to seek those missing because they are so many, but they urge families who have missed a relation to make report – as detailed as possible about the circumstances where the disappearing took place. Some minutes later, the radio informed that two merchant at the market place has suddenly disappeared in the midst of their work.
A customer at a florist tells the police that she was just paying for a flower and the florist was seeking change in the large bag and then suddenly vanished. The customer robbed her eyes, because it looked to her as if there was mist in front of her. The mist faded away, but the florist was nowhere to be seen. At that very moment a young woman began to scream horribly, jerking and tearing at her empty bag. She shouted “somebody has stolen my baby! Where is he? He’s eight month old. Where are the police”. The police were there, but nothing could be done.
a rapture man with left behind cloth
There was shouting and noise everywhere. A big, fat shop-keeper rushed out from his shop and shouted “help! Help!!” two of my shop assistants have disappeared from behind the counter” what could this be? Stockholm reports many cases of sudden disappearing of its citizens similar to those reported in Oslo. The city is panic stricken. There are also several policemen among the disappeared.
And now Copenhagen and Helsinki are reporting similar happenings. Reports are coming from the countryside about the sudden disappearing of children and adults. The police are perplexed and helpless to solve this mystery, “Oh,” says Mrs. Andersen, “Good heaven, what is this?” she gets up, goes to the gate looking at the street. It is beautiful villa quarters, pleasant houses with their gardens.
Mrs. Haland is coming holding her hands in front of her eyes and shouting, “Ruth, Ruth!” then she notices Mrs. Andersen and asks “Did you see any stranger pass by? Ruth is disappeared. She was sitting near the gate in front of the house; I was busy with the rosebush at the time she disappeared. I shouted and yelled ‘Ruth!’ but no one answered. It looked like somebody had climbed up and seeing strange things of all kinds.
But Ruth, Ruth, where are you? Who took her?” but Mr. Andersen is coming “Why are you coming home at this time?” asked Mrs. Andersen, “it is only half past nine” “I cannot bear it any longer, there is a full panic in the workshop. Many workers have disappeared in a mysterious way. Several machines stopped. At first we thought that accidents were happening. We searched everywhere but could not find a trace of those who had disappeared. But then one, who called himself a believer, who had attended Christian meetings – I do not remember his name – began to say, ‘it has happened now, it has happened now:”
the left behind christian crying and weeping
What happened? I asked. Jesus came and fetched is own.’ He wrung his hands, cried loudly and shouted, “I have been left behind. I was left here!” I asked him to stop, but he bemoaned more and more uncontrollably. It was terrible to listen to him. Certainly there are many others who failed in the same way. In the city things were even worse.
There was traffic chaos. Trains had stopped and were standing in long queues. Many cars were in head collision and there were heavy traffic jams all over the place. But people were confused, running around seeking their kinfolks. The police were helpless. Mrs. Haland is crying, wriggling her hands, she then runs home. Mr. Andersen and his wife goes into their house. The radio is turned to Bergen. It informs the disappearance of many people.
The telephone has been ringing all morning and people have been inquiring about the disaster. Many people have vanished from ships at the sea. All newborn babies have disappeared from the maternity hospital, doctors and nurses are paralyzed with fear, and also some of the doctors, nurses and assistants have disappeared. From the old people’s home many have also disappeared.
A Peculiar Vision Of Rapture Of What Is Going To Happen Soon
At 11 O’clock the radio reports this time London news – that today at 9 O’clock there began a flow of news reports from all over Britain that crowds of children and adults have disappeared without leaving a trace. None of the disappeared has been found. The matter is very mysterious. Some clergymen have called the parishes together and state that members of the church who were most God-fearing and who were praying most were absent.

There are also clergymen among the disappeared. The bishop of a large diocese is calling his ministers to a meeting this evening. Now, it is three hours since the first reports from Oslo and all the time there seems to be flowing fresh news from different countries concerning missing people.
The most significant information from the Far East is coming from Korea. There, it is estimated that the number of missing people is growing into several hundreds of thousand, among them many military personnel. It is impossible to describe the progress of event during these early hours. People are overcome by fear. Citizens are running in the streets wriggling their hands, especially, mothers who have lost their children
Yet, there are many who scoff and curse God and men. One man comes running down the street shouting, “watch out, watch out, soon we would all disappeared,”. He has lost his sense. An old woman standing on the street corner is looking up at the sky, her hands crossed, saying, ‘No, no we were not prepared before His coming, He does not come anymore to fetch us. Good God, Jesus helps us! Now it has happened, I have been religious all my life, but never thought He would come so soon, I did not take it seriously enough”
From the railway it is reported that no immediate accident have taken place. Only one train is standing at Finsen station without a driver and conductor. All track maintenance crews have been ordered to search carefully along the rail route for people who possibly have leaped out from the train eastward and are hurt; for many passengers are missing. Further, it is reported that many people have disappeared from cargo vessels and ships.
The evening newspaper issued a review of the situation wherein people are urged to keep calm and patient. The police and authorities are working frantically everywhere trying to estimate the number of missing people. The scientists, especially the meteorologist, are doing the same, trying to clear up the reasons of this mysterious phenomenon.
a rapture man with left behind cloth
Also from USA reports are now coming that the police of the eastern states are receiving information about missing people as in Norway. In the USA it is reported a serious loss of lives. The newspapers considered that by early next morning it may be possible to get a detailed explanation about the situation in the USA.
It is now 8 pm and according to the radio news, this phenomenon seems to be in effect throughout the world. At the moment the situation in large cities is known, now the information about the countryside districts begins to flow in the southern hemisphere, the situation seems to parallel the rest of the world. It looks like people dare not go to sleep this night. In the streets people are hysterically discussing what happened.
People are coming to the conclusion that this strange event has to do with Christian believers and their faith. People who were acquainted with those who are missing say that they were religious fanatics (the born again) or innocent children. A brewery worker says in the evening, “Hans Holsen is away now. He has experienced what he always spoke about that Jesus would soon come and fetched him” “yes” answered the others, “we, too had a fanatic and he also disappeared.
the left behind after rapture
But I suppose that the authorities must now take care of the matter and forbid all religion so that nothing like this ever happens again” “useless trouble, it would never happen again” shout somebody from the crowd. “Nevertheless, the believers were right, for they anticipated this, if only we had listened to them, we would have had a better fate.
But now we are compelled to lie in this hell and the chaos, which will only increase,” “so, you believe them,” says someone. “You ought to have gone with them” “I wish I could have gone.” He replies and goes away. Somebody shouted after him, “you should be hanged and all who have something to do with this insane Christian faith.”
news paper about rapture of the saints
The next day, the newspaper cannot give any explanation upon the matter. Everything given is and stays mysterious. Reports of the same matter are flowing from every country. From the mission fields it is told that crowds of people have disappeared; only a few Christian have been left there. Many clergymen and preachers are present at the meeting that has been called. Several of them are among those who have disappeared. The atmosphere in the meeting is nervous and gloomy.
According to the announcement given after the meeting, many of them are deeply unhappy. There is not the slightest doubt about the fact that what happened was the second coming of Christ or the so called ‘taking up the bride of Christ’, the rapture of the saints. (1 Thessalonian. 4:14-18). Some confessed that inspite of their theological education and studies of God’s word, they never thought it would happen this way. “being born again’ was an unknown experience to them.
One young clergyman says I never learnt it this way. The professors never taught that it would happen like it happened. They tried to discuss but their minds were too excited to carry on any objective discussion, a journalist write. Policemen turn to the public in other to hear the common opinion about the matter and agreed to give only one explanation: “the incident was a foretold biblical event, the so-called “taking up the believers”, that is, that Jesus had taken His own people to Him.
That is all that can be stated the moment” yet the police are unwilling to make public this statement of the clergymen, for they consider it a product of nervous and hysterically imagination. The event is also so far reaching that it must be a question for the government if it has something to do with religion, all churches and meeting halls should be closed for some time until a more general view can be established and the situation can be cleared up.
This problem concerns all nations, so a common stand should be taken on it. The United Nation (UN) may be the proper organization to handle this matter after a thorough assessment of the situation. Among Christians the situation is very depressing. Yesterday, on Sunday, all churches and meeting halls were full of people. Now some parishes are without a preacher and many parishioners were missing. In many congregations, there are very few believers left, but as a counter balance to that there come many outsiders to listen to the word, mostly people who have met with “the great misfortune” as it is called.
A Peculiar Vision Of Rapture in the church
People want to hear God’s word but it is absent. Somebody tries to read, but says ‘I do not understand anything.’ He gives the Bible to another one who says, ‘I cannot read’ the others are weeping, the large crowd seem to agree on the cause of this tragic event been connected with the Christian faith and they think that Christians are able to give some kind of explanations. Many also came to seek God’s help. They were very very unhappy.
In most meetings, there is real chaos. One man is standing his fists cliched shouting to the preacher, ‘it is your fault that so many of us remain here. You never told us that Jesus would come and fetch His own away and even less did you speak about the purity of heart, fullness of the Holy Spirit and that everything must be clear between God and men. I know what kept me here, only little things …. But good God, help!’ ‘Shut up’ says the preacher. He thinks he has done his duty and so they accuse one another shouting and crying.
left behind after rapture in church
They knocked, but the door is closed. It is impossible to describe the situation. People understand that they are facing a horrible time. The atmosphere is hopeless. The door is closed. All who have been content with empty Christian phrases and a religious way of talk knock and cry or shout are now left stranded. Some of them have gone along because of friendship, others for music and singing but they are not born again and thus lack the indwelling Spirit of God.
So they lack the heavenly right of inheritance and purity of heart. The congregation has been like a social activity to many, a free time hobbies. But now they all knock upon the door. ‘Lord, Lord open to us!” In addition to this, a horrible rumour is spreading; a third world war may break out any moment. The diplomatic relations between east and west have broken.
It does not take long, before the authorities have stated their stands against all Christians. The report comes from the east that all Christian’s activities and meetings are forbidden. On pain of death, it is forbidden to mention the name of Jesus. The countries must be cleaned of all Christian literatures which must be burnt, the Bible above all. Even the slightest thing that may remain of Christ involves a death penalty. In the western countries it takes slightly longer before prohibitions like this are legalized.
persecution and torment of christian after rapture
But the godless masses both among the leaders and the people demand that something be done. The majority wins as Christianity was the cause of the event, the consequences are obvious. So begins the most horrible time in the history of mankind. A large crowd of the Christians left behind continued calling on the Lord, now wanting to obey the prohibition of the authorities.
They were imprisoned and were tortured during the hearings. “If you want to curse and deny Jesus Christ, you can save your life” that is the slogan. But thousands are enduring, unwilling to deny God, and mass murdering is indescribable. Many are tortured horribly to death. There is no true law or justice.
persecution of antichrist in recieving the mark of the beast 666
Satan has been set free. Many break under persecution. There is no escape, for “the whole world is under the power of the evil one.” All countries are of the same opinion that Christians must be destroyed. The prince of this world has taken the power. Children denounce their parents to death. (Luke 21:16). It is impossible to describe the situation but God described it in the book of Revelation. These unhappy people are crying, “Lord, make these days shorter!”
the second coming of Jesus christ
You have just read an account of a Norwegian believer. He was age 78 when he saw this vision. I believe that God had shown him this vision so that you can be forewarned and be alerted about the events of the last days. To avoid “Had I Know” on the last day, you must take time to examine your life and understand that SIN CANNOT ENTER THERE.  1 Corinthians 13;5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
christian crying after rapture
However, the following lifestyle will hinder you from going with the Lord during rapture; stealing, fighting, lying, gossiping, evil speaking, drunkenness, smoking, bad language, sharp tongues, worldly pleasures, pride, deceit, selfishness, arrogance, disobedience, rudeness, hypocrisy, fornication, adultery, philandering, deception, cheating, giving or taking of bribes and many others. We cannot continue in malice, unforgiving spirit, bribery and expect to go with the rapture.
Perhaps as a woman you still given-in into vile affection "CHANGING THE NATURAL USE OF YOUR BODY INTO THAT WHICH IS AGAINST NATURE" Therefore indulging yourself into worldly fashions, dressing in transparent clothes, wearing of mini and tightly skirts or WEARING OF TROUSERS. Exposing your breast, lapse to seduce men. Painting lips, fixing attachments, weave-on, jewelries and earrings. Making-up, putting on extra eye lashes, piercing of noses, tattoos, nails fixing and body bleaching
You must repent, dispose and burnt them off and ensure you maintain your natural beauty because unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. What you consider little now may hinder you from going with the Lord when He comes. If you must go with the Lord when He comes then, you must repent from all your sins and accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior. You must run from every appearances of sin and obey all God that commands. Acts 1:9“…..Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven"

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