Friday, 3 November 2017

How satan Stops Our Prayers :COMBAT IN THE HEAVENLY REALM

How satan Stops Our Prayers. 

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by John Mulinde,  Obsteig (Austria) Nov.  2000    Full Version

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I would like to share with you part of a testimony of a saved person who once served the devil.  When I heard him give his testimony it so challenged me I did not want to believe it.  I had to fast before the Lord for ten days, asking Him, "Lord, is this true?" It was at that time the Lord began to teach me the things that take place in the spiritual realm when we pray. 
This man was born after his parents had dedicated themselves to lucifer.  When he was still in the womb, they performed many rituals to dedicate him to the service of lucifer.  When he was four years old, he began to exercise his spiritual power, and his parents began to fear him.  When he was six years old, his father brought him to some witches for them to train him.  And by the time he was ten years old, he was doing tremendous exploits for the kingdom of the devil.  He was feared by the common witches. 

He was still a young boy, but he was so terrible in the things he did.  He grew to be a young man in his twenties with a lot of blood on his hands.  He killed at will.  He had the ability to leave his body through transcendental meditation.  And he could levitate; at times his body would rise off the ground and hang in midair.  Sometimes he would go into a trance and leave his body; his body would remain behind while he went out into the world, by a practice called “astro-travelling.”  He was used by satan to destroy or divide many churches, and to ruin many pastors. 
One day, he was assigned to destroy a church that was full of prayer.  There had been much division in this church, and much confusion.  He began to work against it, but at that time, the pastor called a fast for the whole church.  As the church began to fast, there was much repentance and a lot of reconciliation.  The people came together and began to pray for the Lord to work in their midst.  They continued interceding and crying out to God to have mercy on them and to intervene in their lives.  As the days went by, the man came again and again against the church with demon spirits.  But a word of prophecy came forth telling the Christians to rise up and wage warfare against the powers of darkness that were attacking the church. 
So one day, the man left his body in his room to go astro-travelling.  He led a powerful force of demonic spirits against the church.  Now this is his testimony:  His spirit moved through the air over the church and tried to attack it, but there was a covering of light over the church.  Suddenly, an army of angels attacked them and fought against them in the air. All the demons fled, but he was arrested by the angels.
Yes, arrested by the angels! He found himself being held by about six angels. They brought him through the roof right before the church altar.  He just appeared there as the people were praying.  They were deep in prayer, engaged in spiritual warfare, binding and breaking and casting out.  The pastor was on the platform leading the prayers and the warfare.  The Spirit of the Lord spoke to the pastor, "The yoke has been broken, and the victim is there before you.  Help him through deliverance." As the pastor opened his eyes, he saw the young man lying there.  His body was with him; he was in his body.  The young man said that he doesn't know how his body joined him; he had left it back in his house.  But there he was in his body. He didn't know how he had entered it; all he knew was that the angel had carried him through the roof. 
Now these things are difficult to believe. The pastor silenced the church and told them what the Lord had spoken to him, and then asked the young man, "Who are you?" The young man was trembling as the demons began coming out of him.  So they prayed for his deliverance, and afterwards he began to share his story.  The young man has now come to the Lord, and is an evangelist preaching the gospel.  He is being used by the Lord mightily in setting other people free through deliverance.
One night, I (John Mulinde) went to a dinner.  The only reason I went was that someone had told me about this young man and I was very curious to see him and to find out if his story was true.  So I attended the dinner, and in the evening he was given the chance to give his testimony.  He spoke about so many things.  At times he cried because of the things he had done.  As he finished, he made an appeal. 
There were many pastors in the room.  He said, "I appeal to you, pastors.  Please teach the people how to pray." The people who don't pray can be taken in anything, in anything by the devil, and there are ways that the enemy can exploit their lives and their prayers.  The enemy knows even how to exploit the prayers of those who don't know how to pray.  "Teach the people how to use the spiritual armor that God provides."
Then he shared how he led expeditions through the air.  He would go with other satanic agents and many demon spirits.  It was as if they were working a shift, in the same way that you've got to go and work your shift.  He had a regular, time that he was required to go and wage war in the heavenlies.  He said that in the heavenlies, in the spiritual realm, if the land is covered by a blanket of darkness, the blanket is so dense it is like solid rock.  And it covers the whole area.  The spirits are able to go on top of and below the blanket, and from there influence the events on earth. 
When the evil spirits and human satanic agents finish their shifts, they go down to earth at the points of covenant, on water or on land, to refresh their spirits.  How do they refresh their spirits? By the sacrifices that people give at these altars.  They could be sacrifices in open witchcraft, sacrifices in bloodshed of all types, including abortion, warfare, and human and animal sacrifices.  They could be sacrifices of sexual immorality, in which people practice sexual perversions and all kinds of promiscuity.  Such acts strengthen these powers.  There are many different types of sacrifices. 
He said that when satanic agents are up in the heavenly realm, and Christians begin to pray on earth, the Christians’ prayers appear to them in three forms.  All prayers appear like smoke that is rising toward heaven. 
Some prayers appear like smoke that drifts along and vanishes in the air.  These prayers come from people who have sin in their lives that they are not willing to deal with.  Their prayers are very weak; they are blown away and disappear in the air. 
Another type of prayer is also like smoke. It rises upward until it reaches the rock; it cannot break through the rock.  These prayers usually come from people who try to purify themselves, but who lack faith as they pray.  They usually ignore the other important aspects that are needed when someone prays.
The third type of prayer is like smoke that is filled with fire.  As it rises upward, it is so hot that when it reaches the rock, the rock begins to melt like wax.  It pierces the rock and goes through.
Many times, as people begin to pray, their prayers look like the first type. But as they continue praying, their prayers change and become like the second type of prayer.  And as they continue praying, suddenly their prayers ignite into flames.  Their prayers become so powerful that they pierce through the rock. 
Many times evil agents would notice that prayers were changing and coming very close to becoming fire. These agents would then communicate with other spirits on earth and tell them, "Distract that person from prayer.  Stop them from praying.  Pull them out."
 Many times Christians yield to these distractions.  They are pressing through, repenting and allowing the Word to check their spirit. Their faith is growing.  Their prayers are becoming more focused.  Then the devil notices that their prayers are gaining strength, and the distractions begin.  Telephones ring.  Sometimes, in the middle of very, very intense prayer, the telephone rings and you think you can go answer it and then come back and continue praying.  However, when you return, you go back to the beginning.  And that's what the devil wants. 
Other kinds of distractions come your way. They may touch your body, bringing pain somewhere.  They may make you hungry, causing you to want to go to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.  As long as they can get you out of that place, they have defeated you.  He said to the pastors, "Teach the people to set aside some time, not just for some casual praying, they can do that the rest of the day.  Once a day, they should have a time when they are focusing wholeheartedly on God, without any distractions. 
If the people persist in this kind of prayer and allow themselves to be inspired in the spirit and to keep going, something happens in the spirit.  The fire touches that rock, and it melts.  The man said that when the melting begins, it is so hot that no demon spirit can stand it.  No human spirit can stand it.  They all flee.  They all run away. 
There comes an opening in the spiritual realm.  As soon as it appears, all this trouble in prayer stops.  The person who is praying on the ground feels like their prayer has suddenly become so smooth, so enjoyable, so powerful and intense.  I've discovered that at that moment, we normally lose all awareness of time and other things.  Not that we become disorderly; God takes care of our time.  But it is as if you lay down everything, and hook up with God.  The man said that when the prayers break through, from that moment on there is no resistance at all, and the person praying can continue as long as he wants.  There is no resistance to stop him. 
Then he said that after the person finishes praying, the hole remains open. He said that when people rise from their place of prayer, and move on, the open hole moves along with them.  They are no longer operating under the blanket.  They are operating under an open heaven.  He said that in that state, the devil cannot do what he wants against them.  The presence of the Lord is like a pillar from heaven resting on their lives.  They are protected, and there is so much power inside the pillar that as they move around, the presence touches other people as well.  It discerns what the enemy has done in other people.  And as they talk to people who are standing with them, they too come inside the pillar.  As long as they stay inside the pillar, all the bondages placed on them by the enemy weaken. 
So when people who have experienced this spiritual breakthrough share Jesus Christ with sinners, the sinners’ resistance is low.  It is very easy to bring them through to salvation.  When they pray for the sick or pray about other things, the presence that is with them makes all the difference.  The man said that the devil hates such people.  He said that in places where prayer regularly breaks through in this way, the presence comes upon that place and does not leave.  When people who don't know God enter such a place, all their bondages even suddenly weaken. 
If someone is willing to minister to them with patience and love, they could easily be pulled through to salvation, not by power nor by might but by the Spirit of God, Who is present.  But he said that if no one bothers to reach out to them, they merely come into His presence, feel convicted, and begin to debate whether or not to yield. If they are not pulled through to salvation, when they walk away from that place, their bondages become stronger.  And the devil tries his best to prevent them from entering such an environment again. 
As you can imagine, we all sat staring at the man as he told us the things he used to do and see.  Then he told us what they would do to those who broke through in prayer.  He said that they marked such people and studied them.  They would dig up everything they could find about them, so they knew their weaknesses. When someone overcame them in prayer and broke through, they would communicate with other spirits saying, "Target him with this and this and this.  They are his weaknesses." So when the person walks out of his prayer closet, the spirit of prayer is upon him, the presence is with him, his spirit is high, and the joy of the Lord is his strength.  However, as he goes the enemy tries to bring things that can distract him from focusing on the Lord. 
If his weakness is in the area of his temper, the enemy will cause people to do things to make him angry.  If he is not sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and he allows himself to lose his temper, he takes his eyes off the Lord.  He gets angry; he feels furious. Then after a few minutes, he wants to put it behind him and move forward in the joy of the Lord; however, he doesn't feel joyful anymore.  He tries to feel good again, but can’t.  Why? While he was yielding to the temptation, they were working hard to close the opening above him.  Once they have restored the rock, the presence is cut off.  The person does not cease being a child of God.  But the extra anointing on his life, the presence that worked apart from his own effort, is cut off.  They seek to know his areas of weakness. 
If his weakness is temptation to commit sexual immorality, the enemy will prepare people or events, something to suddenly arouse his passion to move towards the temptation.  And if the man yields to the temptation and opens his mind to receive and entertain its thoughts, when he is through and wants to again move in the anointing, he discovers it is no longer there.  You might say, "That's not fair!" Just remember what the Bible says, "Put on the helmet of salvation.  Put on the breastplate of righteousness." We normally do not understand the part these weapons play in warfare.  But remember what Jesus told us to pray towards the end of the Lord's Prayer, "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."
Every time after you have a breakthrough in prayer, remember you are still a weak human being.  Remember you have not yet been made perfect.  Say to the Lord, "Lord, I've enjoyed this time of prayer, but as I walk out into the world, lead me not into temptation.  Don't allow me to walk into the devil's trap.  I know the enemy is setting a trap out there.  I don't know what form it is going to take, and I know I am still weak in certain areas.  Given the right circumstances, I will yield to temptation.  Protect me, Lord.  When you see me turning the corner where the trap has been set, cause me to turn the other way.  Intervene, O Lord.  Don't let me move in only my own strength and ability.  Deliver me from the evil one."
God is able to do it.  He is able.  That is why things happen sometimes. All you need to say is, "Thank you, Jesus." That is why the Apostle Paul wrote in the book of First Thessalonians, "Thank God in everything, for that is the will of God in Christ for you." (1 Thes 5:18) Some things are not good.  They are painful, and we wonder why God allows them.  But if we only knew what He is saving us from, we would thank Him.  When we have learned to trust the Lord, we thank Him in everything. 
Beloved, I don't know if I should go deeper, because I do not want to start something I cannot finish.  But let me just try to go one step further.  The man said that when prayer breaks through like that, the answer will always come.  He said he did not know of a single case in which prayer broke through and the answer did not come.  He said that the answer always came, but that in most cases, it never reached the person who asked for it.  Why? The battle in the heavenlies.  He said that after they succeeded in cutting off the open heaven and restoring the rock, they would watch the person and wait because they knew the answer would definitely come. 
Then the man said something that really shook my faith.  It was because of what he shared next that I fasted for ten days asking, “Lord, is this true? Can You prove it to me?” The man said that every Christian has an angel who serves them.  Now we know the Bible says that angels are ministering spirits who minister to us.  He said that when people pray, the answer comes in the hands of their angel.  The angel brings the answer, just like we read in the book of Daniel.  Then he said something that was difficult to receive: If the one who prays knows of the spiritual armor and is clothed with it, the answer comes by an angel who is also clothed in full armor. 
However, if the one who prays doesn't care about being clothed in spiritual armor, their angel comes to them without spiritual armor.  When Christians are careless about the kinds of thoughts that enter their minds and do not fight the battle for their minds, their angels come to them without helmets.  Whatever spiritual weapon you ignore on earth, your angel does not have it when he serves you.  In other words, our spiritual armor is not protecting our physical bodies; it is protecting our spiritual exploits. 
The man said that as the angel was coming they would watch him to find the areas that were uncovered, and then attack those areas.  If he didn’t have a helmet, they would shoot at his head.  If he didn’t have a breastplate, they would shoot at his chest.  If he didn’t have shoes, they would make a fire, causing him to have to walk through fire.  Now, I am just repeating what the man said.  Actually, we asked him, "Can angels feel fire?" You know what his reply was? Remember this is the spiritual realm.  They are spirits dealing with spirits.  The battle is intense. When they overpower an angel of God, the first thing they go after is the answer he is carrying, and they get it from him. They then give it to people who are involved in cults or witchcraft, so people might say, "I got this because of witchcraft."
Remember what the Bible says in the book of James? All good things come from God.  So where does the devil get the things he gives to his people? Some people who cannot have children go to witch doctors and satanists and become pregnant! Who gave them the baby? Is satan a creator? No! He steals from those who don't pray through to the end.  Jesus said, "Pray without ceasing."(1 Thess 5:17) And then He said, "But when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith?" (Luke 18:8) Will He find you still waiting? Or will you have given up, and the enemy stolen what you prayed for?
Then the man said that they were not satisfied with just stealing the answer.  They were also interested in detaining the angel.  They would start fighting against him.  And he said that sometimes they would succeed in holding and binding the angel.  He said that when that happens, the Christian on earth becomes a victim as well.  They can do anything to that Christian because he is left totally without ministry in the spiritual realm. 
I asked him, "Do you mean that an angel can be held captive by demonic forces?" The man did not know the Scriptures at the time he was saying all this.  He did not know very many verses.  He was just sharing his experience.  He said that they could not hold the angel very long because as other Christians prayed elsewhere, reinforcements would come and the angels would go free.  However, if the Christian responsible did not pray through, he remained a captive.  Then the enemy would send his own angel to them as an angel of light. That is how deception comes—false visions and false prophecies, false leading or guidance in the spirit, and the making of all kinds wrong decisions.  And many times this person is open to all kinds of attacks and bondages. 
And I asked the Lord.  I left that dinner extremely troubled.  I said, "Lord, I don't want to even try to believe this." It takes away all of my confidence, my security.  During the ten days that I sought the Lord, the Lord did two things:  He not only confirmed the things I had heard, He also opened my mind to understand a lot more of what happens in the spiritual realm that the man could not tell us.  And two, He led me to see what we are supposed to do as the things are happening so that we are not defeated, but can overcome.  We need to know and really come to terms with three things. 
First: How to use the weapons of our warfare.  The Bible calls them the armor of God.  It is not our armor; it is God's armor.  When we use it, we allow God to fight on our behalf.  Second: Understand the relationship between ministering spirits—angels—and our spiritual lives, and be sensitive to what is happening in our hearts as a leading regarding what needs to be done in the spiritual realm on our behalf.  That brings us to the third thing: The Holy Spirit. 
We should not regard the Holy Spirit as our servant, who is serving us and bringing us things.  He does not run back and forth between us and the Father to tell Him what we need.  That is the angels’ job.  He stands by our side.  Doing what? Guiding us, teaching us, leading us, helping us to pray in the right way.  And when these things are happening in the spiritual realm, He lets us know. Sometimes He wakes you up in the middle of the night and says, "Pray." But you say, "No! My time has not yet come." And He says, "Pray now!" Why? He sees what is happening in the spiritual realm.  Sometimes He says, "Fast tomorrow!" But you say, "Oh, no; I'll start on Monday!"
But He understands what is happening in the spiritual realm.  We should learn to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.  He guides us in paths of righteousness.  Beloved we've got to stop here.  Maybe tomorrow morning we will talk about how we can pray through—knowing the battles in the spiritual realm and how we can break through.  And how we can maintain our breakthrough once we have achieved it.  Once we learn this, it becomes enjoyable.  Then we will learn one thing: The battle is not ours; the battle is the Lord’s! Hallelujah!
Let's stand up.  Look someone in the eye, and think about how many times that person may have missed what God had for him.  Join your hands if you can, with two or three people, and tell each other that there's no need for any more defeat! We can overcome! There is enough power to overcome! Jesus has already finished the work." Pray for each other that the Lord will help us to overcome.  We should not lose.  There is enough grace, enough power, for victory. 
Thank you, Jesus.
**Grammatical Revisions thanks to John

Prepare for the Lord's Return! by Bernarda Fernandez


Prepare for the Lord's Return!
by Bernarda Fernandez
Sister Barnarda Fernandez was taken on 2 Journeys to Heaven and Hell with Jesus.  She was shown the Heavenly rewards prepared for the Lord's saints, the Rapture, the Great Banquet and the crows of life.  And she saw the condition of the Church, the coming judgments, and the lost souls in Hell.
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My First Journey
I was not feeling well that morning, my husband refused to leave me and go to work. I told him that I was not alone. After he left, I felt that I was dying. So I decided to phone some of my friends, and my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law answered: "Bernarda, God will bless you today, do not be afraid." The same answer came from another brother in Christ that I phoned, but he added: "Bernarda get up from your bed and praise the Lord, cry to Him and glorify Him."
In spite of my lack of strength, I cried to the Lord saying: "Lord You are my strength, come and help me." I tried to stand up, but my strength left me. My voice could no longer be heard, but in my soul I was crying to the Lord to help me since I felt like I was dying. Suddenly my room was lit up by a light which looked like a fire.  Immediately my fear vanished and I saw angels descending and walking in my room. I could hear them clearly speaking to each other.   Suddenly a marvelous being appeared, more marvelous than any angel. He was dressed in white with a golden sash.  On His chest was written in gold: "FAITHFUL AND TRUE." His face was showing gentleness and Love. Jesus the CHRIST was in front of me, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Blessed be His name!
Jesus approached me, touched my head and told me: "I am Jesus who died for you. Look at these marks in My hands, they are still there for you. I came down from My throne of glory to speak to you; there are many things in your life to put right. You are lazy and quick-tempered. Moreover, I do not want 25% Christian nor 95%, but 100%. If you want to go to heaven, you have to be holy as I myself am holy; I came to take you for a journey."
New York CityI asked Him: "Lord, is it a missionary journey?" He answered "No." Then He took me by my hands, lifted me up, and talked to me with simplicity and Love. He brought me as far as my windows, He looked at the city of New York.  I saw sadness on His face. He wept and said: "My Word is well preached, but people do not listen. The sin of this city has reached My Father."
The city was full of homosexuals; among them were Politicians. The Lord told me: "It's another Sodom, but I am alive and the judgments of My Father will soon fall on this city." Then I knelt before the Lord while crying and He told me: "Do not be afraid. When judgment falls on this world, My Church will no longer be on Earth."
He then led me again towards my bed and asked me to phone a brother from my congregation. He asked me to tell him that my spirit would come out of my body, and that they should not bring my corps to the hospital or to the any funeral ceremony. Instead, they should tell my husband to trust the one who is the Resurrection and the Life. (John 11: 25) The Lord told me again: "I who give life, I take your spirit, but you will come back and tell the peoples to trust me fully. The one who believes in Me will never die." (John 11:26) He stretched His hands and I saw that spiritual body came out of my physical body. I was dressed in white and I was shining like the Lord, He told me: "Look! This is the body that Christians who obey My Word will soon have."
I realized that I could now go through the walls. The Lord who was holding me by my hand said: "Look"! When I turned, I saw my body without spirit. He explained to me that my physical body was worthless, it was nothing but dust, and that at death it will become dust again, as any physical body. He added that the new body I had was a glorious one which is the spirit He gave to man. I thought He would lead me straight to heaven, but it was not the case.
We descended through a tunnel below the Earth, and when approaching a certain place I could perceive an unbearable smell. I said: "Lord I do not want to go into that place." But we went in; that place was very dark. I heard people suffering, weeping and screaming. When we got to the end of the tunnel, we sat on a rock and the Lord told me: "Look"! I saw people suffering. In hell, people spend their time crying, and no one cares about others.
Dear brothers and sisters, I realized that HELL IS REAL. I wept and wept, and when I looked at the Lord, He told me: "Hold on to what you have seen, and do not forget it."  The people were screaming, "Ouch! Ouch! It's forever! it's forever! Pain and hatred forever and ever."
I turned toward the Lord and asked Him: "Is there anyone from my family in hell?" He answered me "I will not allow you to see a member of your family."  So I asked Him, "is there anyone that I know here?" "Yes and I will allow you to see him." Suddenly I saw a young man coming from the depths of the hell: It was Alexander.
I knew this young man at a crusade my husband and I attended in the Dominica Republic. During that crusade, I heard a voice saying to me, "Get up, go and meet Alexander who is passing by. Tell him not to reject this message, for I'm giving him a last chance." This voice was the voice of the Lord, even though I did not see the Lord at that time.  I told Alexander what the Lord told me, and this is how he responded: "You Christians are all fools. You deceive people by telling them that Jesus Christ is coming, I, Alexander, do not believe this to be the truth." I told him: "Alexander, God gives life and takes it away when He wants; Alexander, you will soon die." He answered: "I am too young to die, I still have many good years of fun on this Earth."
That was truly the last chance for Alexander.  Three weeks later, Alexander died while he was drunk. His destination was this place of torment where I saw him (hell). The Bible states clearly that drunker will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5: 21)
When looking at people in hell, I could see Alexander attacked by two big worms. He was screaming "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" He was tormented. He recognized me and told me: "I neglected my last chance. I am here today, suffering. Please, when you return to Earth, go to my house and tell my family to believe in Jesus Christ and to obey His word, so that they will not come to this place of torment."
Then the Lord showed me thousands of people who were suffering in hell, and said, "You see, some of these people knew Me when they were on Earth. There are still a lot of people on Earth who walk on the street without knowing where they go. Know that the way to heaven is very narrow, and it will be narrower again. There will be difficulties on Earth, so that you will be as pure as gold, but fear not for I am ahead of you like a mighty warrior."
I asked Him: "ARE THERE CHRISTIANS IN THIS HELL?", He answered: "Yes, do you know why? They believed in Me but they did not walk according to My Word. There are many of those Christians who ONLY behave well when they are in the church, in front of their pastors and their family. But they are greatly deceiving themselves. The eyes of My Father sees everything and He understands every word, wherever you are.  Tell My people that it's time they lived a holy life before My Father, before the devil and before the world. Let the devil has no right to accuse My people; and let the world not point a finger at My people." (1 Peter 1: 14-16)
Lake of FireThen we went to a lake of fire.  It smelled horrible, and the Lord said, "What you see there is a lake of fire, which is ready for the devil, the false prophet, and the Antichrist. I did not prepare this place for men, but all those who do not believe in Me as their Savior and those who do not live according to My word will go there "(Revelation 20:14)
At that moment I saw Jesus weeping and He told me again: "There are too many of those who are lost than those who go to Heaven."  He showed me the number of people who were dying every minute and said, "Look! How many are lost! My Church is sleeping despite the fact that She has received My power; She has My Word and the Holy Spirit, but She is sleeping. On Earth there are people who preach that hell does not exist. Go and tell them that this place is real."
I could feel the intense heat. We left that place and we went to Heaven. We kept up and up, though the second heaven.  He showed me the sun and the stars and said, "Look at these stars, I call each one of them by name.  Do you see this sun, it's by My power that it shines both on the righteous and the wicked. But there will come a day when the sun will no longer shine, everything will be darkness." (Acts 2:20)
We went further up and reached the Kingdom of God.  I saw beautiful houses.  The walls of those houses were very high, of pure gold and of precious stones. There were twelve gates of pearls, with twelve angels at the gates. I didn't know if I could go in, but the Lord looked at me and said: "Do you want to go in?" "Oh yes Lord! I really want to."  "Then get in, for I Myself am the door" (John 10:9).
At that moment I went in through a precious gate and I saw a garden of magnificent flowers. "Do you want to go in the garden? Then go in, for I've prepared this for you and My people." When I stepped in, I started to arrange some of the flowers into bunches. I ran in the garden like a little girl. The flowers I held had many colors with a very nice smell.  The Lord called someone. It was an angel, strong and so beautiful that I could not describe. The Lord told me: "Do you see this one, he is the Archangel Michael, he is the one who leads My army. Look again!" I saw a mighty army on horses and the Lord told me: "It's not a human army, but My Father's Army. This army is at the disposal of Christians who are REALLY born again; do not fear, for it is more powerful than the one which is in the world."
Then He showed me another angel. "This one is the messenger of Christians who obey My word." I was happy to hear that. Jesus told me: "Be attentive! I am the God of Abraham, the God of Moses, the God of Elijah, the One who caused fire to fall from heaven; I have not changed.  I am going to show you the condition in which My people live in these last days they've have left." The Lord told me: "Be very careful about the things I'm going to show you."
I saw Christians who were weak and tired. The Lord asked me this question: "Do you believe that I can take this Church away in its present state?" Then He told me, "Christians that I will take away with Me will be glorious, triumphant, spotless, blameless. Among My people there are lies, lack of love, My people are divided. I showed you the condition of Christians in these last days; Now I'm going to show you how the early Church lived. Those brothers and sisters were filled with the glory of God. They constantly fasted and prayed; they preached My word without any fear. Whereas present Christians think that I've changed, they also think that the Holy Spirit has changed. The big mistake of Christians today is the fact that they live a routine life, planned by human being. Therefore they've forgotten that the messages are from the Holy Spirit and from above. Tell My servants, the pastors, that the time has come to put behind those routine's programs. If they do, you will see the power of God in thier midst, the Holy Spirit who was manifest in the early Church. He will perform signs, miracles and wonders in great number, causing the dead to rise. The Holy Spirit is still the same, it's you who have changed."
Christians, it's high time you came back to the life of the early Church.  I then left this beautiful garden and went to a lovely street of Gold and the Lord said, "Touch! Yes it's pure Gold. Go and tell My children that VERY SOON, they are going to walk on these streets of gold by the hand of the One who gives life" (Revelation 21:10-15)
Oh! How great it is to walk on those streets of gold! After that I saw a splendid Throne surrounded by Angels, Archangels and Seraphs. They were continually praising God, the One who was on the Throne, saying: "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty; heaven and Earth are filled with his Glory. Amen!" "Time has come to lift up holy hands unto Me and praise Me." 
I saw the river of the water of life flowing from the Throne. I also saw the tree of life and at the other end I saw the rainbow and the crystal sea.  I asked the Lord: "Who is on the throne?" He answered: "It's My Father, the Lord of Host." I told Him: "Can I see the Father", "No it's not yet time," the Lord answered.
Even though I did not see the Father, the One who was on the throne was Mighty. I saw thunder and flashes of lightning coming from the throne and I heard praises. Jesus told me: "Do you hear these praises? These are the praises of those who are redeemed." I saw seven angels, each of them were holding a golden bowl; and seven other angels holding a trumpet. "Lord, who are these angels?" The Lord answered: "The seven bowls that the angels hold are filled with the wrath of God. They will soon be poured out and when the trumpets sound, My Church (those Christians who live according to the will of My Father) will be caught up. They will no longer be on Earth during the great tribulation. Before the Antichrist manifests himself, this man of sin, My Church will hear the last trumpets' sound, and they will meet Me in the air. (1 Thessalonians 4:16)
I was there, dear friend, in front of the great throne, and I did not have any notion of time.  Jesus showed me how His Church (the true believers) will be caught up! I saw in a vision, thousands of people disappearing. This happened world-wide, and TV and radio gave the news of the disappearance. Newspapers with (big headlines in red), also brought out the news. The Lord told me: "The news will soon happen. If the judgments of My Father have not yet come upon the Earth, it's because of the faithful Christians, those who really love me."
After that, I saw the appearance of the man of sin. He was saying to the inhabitants of the Earth: "I'm bringing you peace and safety" and immediately people forgot the event that had just taken place. Jesus told me: "Look carefully!." I saw in the vision the seven angels with the seven bowls. Dear friend, what was happening was difficult to describe; I saw the angels pouring out the seven bowls of the wrath of God on the Earth. Trumpets started sounding. God was pouring out His judgments on the inhabitants of the Earth, and whole countries disappeared. The Lord told me: "Look! All these people were part of My Church, some were pastors." Because I did not fully understand this, I asked the Lord: "How is it that so many of your people have been in the great tribulation? How is it that there are pastors among them, those who preached your word?" Jesus answered: "Yes, they had preached My word, but they were not living in accordance with My word." Then the Lord allowed me to see another multitude of pastors, and He told me: "Those pastors were not preaching My Word as it is written. They thought that My word was not adapted to their century. They had too much favor towards those who were giving a lot in tithes, because they were more interested in materials. Go and tell My servants that I am the One who called them, and that silver and gold belong to Me and I give them according to My greatness and glory. Tell them to preach My Word as it is written. They are many, those who give another interpretation to My Word. My Word is My Word, and no one can change it. It must be preached as it is written. There are many among My people who distort My word for their own profit."
After that, we entered a place in the new Jerusalem and the Lord told me: "What you see is paradise." I saw the apostles and I asked the Lord, "Lord where is Abraham?" I was expecting to see and old man, but suddenly I saw a young man about 25 years old approaching and Jesus told me, this is Abraham, the father of Faith.
The Lord called a very beautiful woman with an unspeakable beauty, like all those I saw there, and He told me: "This is Mary! Go and tell every body that Mary is NOT the Queen of Heaven. The King of heaven is I, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords; the One who says: 'I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIVE. (John 14: 6-7). Go and tell this BLINDFOLDED MANKIND that there NO purgatory, for if there was one, I would have shown you. Instead, there is Hell, the lake of fire, the precious Jerusalem, and the paradise which I showed you. But tell them that there is no purgatory; tell them that IT'S A LIE FROM THE DEVIL, THERE IS NO PURGATORY."
Then the Lord led me to a store of crowns. "These are crowns of life...What do you see?" I saw my local Church, the believers of that community, singing and preaching, then I asked Jesus: "Why are the names of the believers of my community not written in this book?" And He told me: "Because of their wrongdoing on the Earth." (Rev 3:11)
After all this the Lord allowed me to come back on Earth, back into my body, the Journey was finished.
One day we were all at a prayer meeting, about twenty of us in number. As usual, we started by praising and worshiping the Lord.
Suddenly we felt the presence of God. It was so powerful, just as if it were the day of Pentecost.  I remember my husband's mother, an old and devoted lady told me, "Bernarda, let's keep the noise down during the praise, we're making to much noise." She was right, because the praise was like the sound of a waterfall.  As I was about to ask my brothers to keep the noise down, I heard the Lord telling me: "Don't say anything! In the world, when people are making noise, nobody cares, why then should you stop the praise?" So we continued praising and worshiping the Lord.  I felt that something great would take place. Suddenly I remembered what the Lord told me on my first journey: "I'll come back for you."
All of a sudden I saw a bright light flooding my home. My brothers also saw the light appear.  They all knelt down before God.  I did not know what to do, and I just stood still. That light became brighter, and took a human form.  In front of me the Lord Jesus Christ, so beautiful and full of love. On Earth, I have never seen such beauty on a man's face. He came closer to each of my brothers.  But as I was about to tell my brothers that the Lord came for me, I started speaking in tongues. (1 Corinthians 14:39-40)
Just by looking at me, my spirit left my body and I was in the air.  Jesus took me by my hands and we went towards the Dominican Republic. When we reached the city, the Lord told me: "There are two great sins this country commits before My Father, witchcraft and idolatry." I saw the people of that country running after sorcerers and fetish.
After that, the Lord brought me to Venezuela and then to Mexico.  In Venezuela, I was in the air with Jesus, but I saw people turning to magic, fetish, and to witchcraft. In Mexico I saw people meeting and worshiping demons. The Lord told me: "The horror of this sin has reached My Father. The first sign I give as a warning is that there will be an Earthquake in Mexico if the inhabitants of the country do not repent and come back to me."   (When I later came back to Earth, I went to Mexico and preached this message. The people did not listen and recently there was a terrible Earthquake in Mexico)
While we were still in the air, the Lord told me that the Hands of His Father have been stretched out upon the inhabitants of the Earth. I saw the sea with gigantic waves, resembling a monster. I also saw hurricanes happening upon the Earth. I asked the Lord: "Lord what will become of Christians when all this happen?" He answered: "Go and tell them that, for those who are faithful to Me, none of their hairs will be touched."
After that the Lord brought me to another place, I saw places where the Earth was split. The Lord told me: "Many countries will soon be wiped out."
Then we left that place and went to another place where I saw waters in motion.  We went down through a tunnel and reached the depths of the Earth. I saw great doors. It was not the same as those I saw during my first journey. On these doors were big chains. The Lord went to the doors, removed the chains, and let me in through the tunnel.
I saw thousands of people with their head down, wearing torn clothes. They had big chains on them.  Then I said: "Lord, what does this mean?" He answered: "All these men and women are on their way to Hell." Among them, I saw my husband's senior brother, Adolfo. He was a difficult man, he used to get married and divorced whenever he wanted, and he used to curse God. Then I started pleading with the Lord to let me go back on Earth and warn Adolfo that he was going to hell, but the Lord did not answer me. Again I saw Adolfo and his wife walking through the tunnel. They were at the edge of H ell. I pleaded with the Lord again to let me go back on the Earth and tell people what I have seen. The Lord lifted His hands up and said: "Go and tell them that time is nearly over...thousands and thousands of people will go to Hell, Adolfo's time is over, he is going to die."
(When I came back to Earth, my brother in law Adolfo did not want to change his way of living. One day, he quickly came home from work and said to his wife: "I can't work any longer, something is telling me that I'm going to die." His wife answered: "It's because you are drunk as usual that you're saying this." Both of them went to bed. Some minutes later, she had a vision. In her vision she saw her husband and herself in a tunnel, clothed with shabby clothes, and going to hell. She heard the Lord telling her: "Time for both of you is over." )
When I was still in the air the Lord told me: "Do you know why I brought you here for a second time? It was to show you that during your first visit, the number of lost souls was less than this time." There were more lost souls now, than before.
Then, Jesus and I left that place and went up through the second heaven. When we reached the third heaven, the Kingdom of God, I saw angels bustling from one side to the other; then I asked the Lord: "Why are these angels in motion?" Jesus answered: "It's true that My angels are in motion here, but I'm going to show you how the Earth is also in motion. Be careful, because many demons have invaded the Earth. The devil is furious against Christians because he has little time left."
The Lord allowed me to see demons in a terrible rage, and He told me: "Those demons you see are demons of adultery. They will attack thousands of My servants and many will fall into that sin. Do you know why the devil succeeds in causing My servants to fall? It is because My servants do not give Me all the glory. They steal My glory and become proud. On top of that, their wives live in a great spiritual disorder. They did not build their homes with wisdom." (1 Timothy 2:11-14)
I saw thousands of angels that I could not count, there were many of them ready for the battle. Then Jesus told me: "Now I'm sending these thousands of angels on the Earth to protect My people. In these last days, the protection will be double. Satan also will double his attacks, but you should not forget that your God is great and mighty. If you are attached to Him nothing will happen to you."
The Banquet
The Lord then brought me to another place. I saw a huge table rounded with golden chairs. On each chair, a name was written, and a robe of fine linen was also placed. In front of each chair, on the table I saw crowns. Then I noticed that there was a chair that was bigger than others. In front of that chair was a huge cup in gold. Jesus told me to go and see what is in the cup. It was full of wine, ready to be served. Jesus told me: "Do you know why the wine is ready to be served? Go and tell My people that I am at the door, I'm coming soon."
The Lord gave me a robe of fine linen and a crown. I wore the robe and crown went to a place where there was some type of mirror. Jesus told me: "There's neither stain nor crease on your robe, isn't it? None will enter through this door nor take place at this table, unless he is clothed like this. Some among My people on Earth have dirtied their robes. Others have crumpled robes, and still others have put theirs aside, and have forgotten them. Tell My people that it's time they washed their robes, ironed them and took them back. Christians should ask the Holy Spirit to help them keep their robes in a good state, because the King will soon celebrate the Marriage Supper in His Father's kingdom." (Matthew 22:1-14)
My Family
I come from a divorced family and I grew up with my father. My mother was a very religious woman. As for my father, he believed in nothing. I have a sister who is in a catholic convent, but I know that Jesus will soon take her out of there and she will preach the Gospel with me. I pray a lot for her. When I was thinking about my mother's life in that mystic religion, during my first journey in paradise, I cried before the Lord and told Him: "Lord my mother is lost, yet I've preached the Gospel to her, but she won't listen. More and more she is clung to that pagan religion." The Lord answered me: "I will save your mother, but I will take her home immediately otherwise she will fall back into sin and go to Hell. For this reason, as soon as she is converted, she will die some time later and come here, in paradise."
When I came back on Earth, I prayed, cried, sighed, and reminding the Lord of the promise He gave me, but I saw my mother who was more and more involved in the idolatry of her religion. One day God used my son to convert my mother. Just three days after her conversion, she died!
During my second journey in paradise the Lord told me: "Look, what My mouth says, My hands fulfill it." I saw my mother in that beautiful paradise; she was among other women. We went to a place were I saw thousands of children clothed in white who were praising and glorifying the Lord. Jesus told me: "These children are those who have been aborted by parents and criminal doctors. Babies that people killed while they were still in their mother's womb, and that are found in dustbins and rivers, are here in heaven."
Dear brothers and sisters, contrary to what you may think, for the Lord, a fetus is a human being from conception, from the first day of pregnancy.
Jesus told me again: "Bernarda, work for I am your strength. This message has to be published into the whole world. It's a message for Christians, pastors, and for all the inhabitants of the Earth, including you. Let him who is holy continue to be holy."
At that moment the gates of heaven were opened. There was a beautiful escalator. Jesus called thousands of angels to came, and then the Lord accompanied me back home.
When we got home, I saw my husband and Christian brothers were waiting for my spirit to come back. I looked at my physical body, and I told the Lord that I no longer wanted this body. The Lord told me: "You cannot go back to Heaven with Me, for it is not your time yet. You have to tell My people first what you saw, in order for them to get ready." With a powerful voice, He told me: "Enter and receive life, I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live (John 11: 25-26).
End of Testimony

8 Hours in Heaven by Ricardo Cid

Ricardo Cid8 Hours in Heaven
by Ricardo Cid
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The Lord says, “I am sending this message to my people on the earth, because I exist in the heavenly realms.
Revelations 4:1
After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
Revelations 5:11
And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing.
    Please, church listen to what has happened to my life. In a dream, the Lord started dealing with me. I remember, in that dream, I walked out of my house. I walked on the streets in my neighborhood and I felt that someone lifted me up by my arms into the sky and I was running on the clouds and glorifying God. A great brightness came over me and a voice said out of that brightness, “Ricardo, Ricardo, quit your job because I want to do something with your life and with my church on the earth.” After hearing these words, I trembled violently and woke up from my dream. I got up and I started crying to God and asking, “What is this, Lord?”
    This voice came to me very strongly. It occurred to me for many days. Then I laid to sleep again and had the same dream and the Lord repeated the same message to me. After repeated times, I would wake up screaming because God's voice would increase in volume each time. As I would wake up trembling, I would scream and my parents would ask, “What's the matter?” I would tell them about the dreams and my mother prayed for me and told me, “If the Lord is speaking to you, then He will give you understanding.” We continued praying all night long until it was time for me to go to work that next morning. My mother told me then to get ready and leave for work. We asked the Lord for a sign to let us know whether or not it was He who was talking to me. I took a shower, got ready, and went to work. I used to work at “Chile Laboratories”.
    I really loved my job. I would get picked up at the bus station to go to work. When I got off of the bus, someone immediately told me, “What are you doing here? You aren't supposed to be in this place any longer.” In several occasions, others told me the same thing. The amazing thing is that they weren't born again. This is the sign that God gave me. After the sign, I decided to go to my boss to quit. I told him, “I must leave the company because God has commanded me to quit.” When the Lord commands, we MUST obey. My boss was concerned for me and asked, “What are you going to do? Where will you find another job as good as this one?” I told him that I had to obey God. So they had a large farewell reception of two thousand people for me. Afterwards, I gathered all of my things and went back home. As I arrived crying, my mother was already waiting for me at the front porch. I told her that I quit my job because the Lord confirmed my dreams through those people. She replied, “If the Lord spoke to you, then may He do with your life as He pleases.
Santiago, Chile
    She and I went in the house talked until nightfall. Then, I told her I need to go to bed because God will talk to me tonight in a dream. I thought he was going to speak to me in a dream, but it didn't happen as I thought. But, he was going to deal with me in a different way. When I went into the bedroom and took off my clothes, the room started to shake. And I started shouting, “It's an earthquake that's hitting Santiago, Chile.” I tried to leave my bedroom, but someone invisible was stopping me from exiting through the door. I was able to see my mom and family across the room and I cried for help but no one could hear me. Now I know, this invisible being was the angel of the Lord. I stepped back and laid on my bed and cried out to God, begging for Him to tell me what's going on.
    Then an audible voice spoke to me. The Holy Spirit began to speak to me in a most beautiful voice, saying, “Ricardo, now that you have left your job, I want you to go to the church and pray seven hours a day every day for your life, and for my church on the earth.” After the Lord stopped speaking, the room stopped shaking. I then stretched my hand through my doorway and found that I could leave the room again. Then I ran to my mother and shouted “I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit” and then left my home and started shouting that outside. Some people don't believe that God still talks to people today but I tell you it's true, He does speak to people! If the Lord could speak to Abraham, he can still talk to us, his church today! I went to the church and talked with the Bishop and we agreed to open the church at 8am every morning so that I could pray and obey God's command. Every morning, I would go to church and pray one hour, two, and by the third, I wouldn't have anything else to pray for and I'd ask God, “Lord, what else can I pray? I have four hours left!
    Then, I heard an underground rumbling starting from the back door of the church. I then felt the church swaying from left to right like a drunk person. During this sway, the Lord spoke to me audibly but not in the same voice as in the dream before. The voice He spoke to me before was with authority, this time, He spoke in a voice of sorrow. He said, “Ricardo, Ricardo pray for my church! My church isn't the same anymore!! My church on the earth has changed. My church has lost it's faith. My church doesn't believe in me or my existence! Tell my church that I exist!! Intercede for my church, because my church doesn't pray or fast anymore!” The shaking stopped after He finished speaking. I then started interceding and walking up and down the church for the remaining four hours begging for the people of God to revive.
On Thursday of the second week in intercession, I woke up with intense pain in my bones and joints and didn't want to get up. My mother was waking me up to go to the church to pray, but I complained that my body and bones were in pain. She then recommended that I pray at home instead. However, I reminded her that God specifically told me to go to the church to pray. So, she helped me get dressed and took me to church. That morning, there were many people praying at the church and I asked for prayer because of the pain in my body. I told them I was too weak to pray. So they anointed me and prayed for my body and I received supernatural strength from God!! Hallelujah! I started praying and pacing back and forth, asking for God's mercy on the nation of Chile and for families and drug abused people and for the church.
    I finished the intercession and then came later that night for a church service. After the bishop's benediction, I lifted up my hands and felt someone pass by and touch my back. When this happened, I lost all strength and fell to the floor. The bishop asked what was wrong with me and I responded I don't know, I have no strength and I can hardly talk. Then the church surrounded me and began to pray in tongues and shout. Then some of the congregation could see the angel that was coming in and asking me to leave my body. The bishop declared, “You will not leave your body!”. As he said this, the angel stopped motioning for me to leave my body. You see, any person who has authority in Jesus will be honored by the angel of the Lord.
    The bishop then asked me, “How long does the angel want to take you from your body?” I then asked the angel, "Are you taking me for one hour? Two? Three hours?” The angel replied, “No, you will be gone for 8 hours to see Jesus in the third heaven because He wants to talk to you.” Then, the angel told me, “I am not the one who will escort you to heaven, because I am your guardian angel who has protected you every day you have lived on this earth. Two angels will come from heaven to take you to the third heaven at the midnight hour.” I told this to the bishop and he determined to take me in another brother's car to a pastor's home on a second floor.  As I laid in a room, we were able to hear dog's barking and people screaming. 
    After my experience, I was told that two men in bright white shining robes appeared in the middle of the street and walked into the first floor of the building and came up to the second floor where I was staying. These angels were beautiful. They had brilliant white hair, whiter than snow and eyes that were fashioned like pearls. Their skin was as soft as a baby's yet their bodies were muscular like a bodybuilder. These angels are powerful!! I then told the bishop, these angels are here that were sent to take me to heaven. One of the angels started motioning me to leave my body. As this happened, my bones started hurting again. So, the brothers in Christ next to me started massaging my body and telling me that it was getting ice cold. Next, they went to get portable heaters to heat my body up again. As the angels were calling me to leave my body, I started to get desperate and moving from one side to the other. I started feeling death take over my body and I shouted to my brothers in Christ, “Don't bury me, I will be back!”
    I left my body, and then I jumped on my bed. I saw my brothers in Christ touching my body and saying, “He's gone, he left his body!” But I was right there next to them telling them, “I am here!” However, they couldn't see my body because it was an incorruptible spirit body. My brothers started wrapping my body in a blanket.
    One of the angels told me, “It's time to go, because the Lord is waiting for you!” Each angel took me by an arm and lifted me up to the heavens and I crossed through the atmosphere at lightning speed. I will tell you this, even if you don't believe any of this, my Jesus Christ exists and lives forever!! 
    Later, When the Lord told me to go back to my body, I told him, “Who on earth will believe me, let me stay with you!! No one will believe this revelation, no one will believe this because they don't have faith! The lack of faith on the earth is huge, who will believe this experience?” The Lord replied, “Someone will believe your story, only those who belong to my true church will believe you.
    As I left my body that night and I was flying at an incredible rate of speed on my way to visit the Lord. I was able to look down and see the planet earth. Then I passed right next to the moon, this glorious moon that brightens the night sky on the earth. Then, I was able to see the giant sun with my own eyes; I was able to see the flames that explode from the sun and warm the earth. Then we continued on and I saw many stars as I passed by them. God allowed me to see the sun, moon, and stars for a purpose: that purpose is to tell all of you that our God is a huge creator of the universe!!! He's not small by any means!
    We continued traveling at a great rate of speed until we reached a place where there were no more stars. No more creation, just darkness. I could look down and see all of the stars below me. I started feeling afraid and asking the angels, “Where are you taking me? Please take me back to my body on the earth!” They then squeezed me tight and wrapped one of each of their legs around mine and held me. I then started bending over in somewhat of a fetal position because of the fear I felt. The angels said “Be quiet! We are taking you to the third heaven where Jesus is waiting to talk with you!” The angels stopped and during this moment I was looking in all directions but couldn't see anything created, I don't know where I was, but I think it was the second heaven.
    I then was bracing myself in the fetal position while the angels were holding me and suddenly felt and heard the terrible noise of a stampede above me. The angels squeezed me and said, “Ricardo, don't fear, Jesus is with us!” As they were speaking, they also said, “Turn up your head and look above you!” I then was surprised by what I was looking at because there was some kind of motion by creatures above us. One of the angels said, “Look, we will show you what you are looking at above us!” And one of the angels motioned with his hand from one side to the other and illuminated the entire sky above us to see what was there. As the sky was illuminated there was nothing but demons and devils surrounding the entire sky. The LORD REBUKE THEM ALL in JESUS' NAME!! The bible is true!! Everything that's going on in this earth is what you see in Revelation. Jesus is coming soon!! How can I convince you of this, it's so SOON!! I asked the angel, “What is this place?” One of them responded, “This is the celestial realm of darkness where Satan and his demons inhabit.” I started saying, “That's why there's so much evil on the earth! These demons come to the earth from this realm and cause all forms of destruction and wickedness on the race of men. The earth is full of demons!” There are millions upon millions, the number is uncountable.
Power RangersThundercats    Then the angels started motioning for me to look more closely and they showed me the faces of these creatures and that many of these horrible beings are already shown to us on television. These beings were MONSTROUS!! I saw the Thundercats and Power Rangers and caricatures from animations and horror movies in real life. All of the creators of these movies and animations have formed a pact with the devil to produce these things for television and cinema!! All of those drawings come from that spiritual realm that I experienced. Why do you think that nowadays children are so rebellious?? It's because those demons enter into your children as they view these shows that depict them. That's why we need to learn to teach our kids how to discern what to watch on TV. The angel told me that this is all a reality and truth. All these demons exist and people are making pacts with the devil to bring these demons to the earth. These demons started to curse me, and the church, and the Father, and the Lord Jesus and the earth because they don't respect God or any his creation.
    Then, I saw in the flesh a goblin named Hugo, who is a popular cartoon caricature in Chile. He was horrifying to look at. He came near me and told me, “We will go to the earth and kill all the children!” Why do you think that children are killing children? It's because some of them said that something came out of the television and told me to do this or that. These demons are planting hatred on the earth, may the Lord deliver and cleanse Chile!! One of the angels told me “Continue to look!” And the demons said, “We've tried to destroy the church, but we can't because when we kill one, then thousands rise up to replace that death!” Since the beginning of the church, Satan has tried to destroy it, the church that preaches the true Gospel and does the work of God, but he can't because the Lord Jesus protects us! Glory to God! Then the demons said, “Let's do something new, let's go inside churches, because there are many in the churches that belong to us! We are going to use these people to spread gossip and division amongst the brethren in church. We will cause churches to fall by gossip and the Holy Spirit will be grieved and leave the church.” The devil goes everywhere looking to destroy those who love the justice of God. Just like in this scripture verse:
1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour.
    I didn't want to see anymore, but the angel told me to continue to look at the events occurring. I saw the demons fleeing everywhere as a single bright shining star was coming. As this star was approaching, it was bringing much praise and worship to the Lord. This star wasn't a star, it was millions of angels riding on white horses praising the Lord of Hosts!! They were shouting “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the One who lives from age to age! The Lord is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end and let all that has breath praise the Lord!” And then I saw a great battle and could not find the demons anymore. "Don't fear anymore because there are more angels with us then those on the enemy's side!"
    The angels made a way to the third heaven. They divided into two groups one to the right and one to the left. It was an open way to the third heaven! This way reaches heaven and you could see the celestial city of God.  I was able to see this path of glorious and marvelous angels. They had cleared the entire region from demons and they never stopped praising God and blessing His name! The angels placed me in front of them and told me, “You must wait here!
    Then in the distance, I looked and from the celestial city, I saw a personage in white robes riding a white horse. As the being was getting closer to me, the angels would not cease praising God's name and exalting Him. This person came to about the distance of about 4 meters from me. This being was beautiful, even more beautiful than the other angels. I expected him to speak to me, but what he did was look at me for a little while and shout, “I am! I am Michael the archangel who is in charge of guarding you and the church on the earth!” I met the archangel Michael face to face and he was a precious being! He turned to his side and pointed a way for me to enter the celestial city. He said, “Enter! The Lord Jesus is waiting for you! “ I was walking on the path to the city and as I was walking, the angels were shouting and praising the Lord. I cried and cried as I was looking at the city.
    The city was made of pure transparent gold and the doors to the entrance were made of pearl. The floors were crystal in appearance. I had never seen anything like this on the earth and neither could a human being create it. The architect was our Lord and God of the universe. I was outside the city and the entrance doors were wide open. And those doors are still open. I was able to see inside and on the walls were rubies and sapphires and pearls that were brilliant. And from within the city there were millions upon millions of voices praising God! I trembled from outside the city hearing this. I heard a single voice which shook the heavens and behind this voice shouted millions and millions of praises to God saying “Holy, Holy, Holy is the lamb of God and the Father to whom belongs the glory and the honor forever and ever AMEN!” This great voice shouted “BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY! ONLY THE HOLY ONES WILL ENTER THIS PLACE! FOR WITHOUT HOLINESS NO ONE WILL SEE THE LORD.” Without holiness, no one will see him.
    A voice said, “Enter,” and I entered the city. And I saw a marvelous throne flowing with fire. And as the fire is coming out of the throne, I paid attention and I saw Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! I fell prostrate before Him on the ground without any strength. His hand came out of the flame extended to me and he said, “Get on your feet!” I gained strength and stood up. I immediately started touching his feet and arms and body. When I saw his face, his appearance is nothing like how artists on the earth produce in their paintings! Many people make gods of wood and many other images! But I want to tell you brothers, that Jesus didn't look like those images. He was a very muscular God! He's not a mediocre God, He's all powerful!! He said, “I am not a God made of chalk or wood, I am a living God who exists!” He continued, “Tell my church on the earth that I am real!! I truly live and exist! Tell my people that heaven is real and I am waiting for them!
    He told me, “Come, walk with me and I will show you something great.” We looked down from the ground and could see the earth and all that was done upon the earth. Jesus said, “I am able to see everything that my church does!” He knows everything that we do and I was able to see many of you from heaven. Jesus told me, “Look at my church!” and I saw brothers against brothers, and churches against other churches. Jesus then told me, “My church has lost their faith, they don't want to believe in me, wickedness has multiplied on the earth and people don't want to believe that I exist. Tell my people I am going to do something great on the earth! My church is backsliding instead of growing." The Lord started to cry over His church and He said, “This church is not my church!” I said, “Lord, don't talk that way! Of course we are your church.” Then the Lord replied, “No, my church walks in miraculous power and signs and wonders! My church has decreased! However, tell them, I will be back to raise them again!
    He told me to continue to walk with Him and we went through a door and the ground was made of pure gold. I started running up and down the gold street and picking up gold dust and sprinkling it on my body. And then the Lord told me to come back and tell you that there are streets of gold in heaven. “All this belongs to my people,” the Lord said. “But, in my church there are many thieves who steal my tithes and offerings! Tell my people that no thief will enter my kingdom in heaven!” We need to straighten up our lives for the Lord. Then we saw a very long table for millions of people with plenty of food and refreshments. There were also many crowns and crystal goblets for people to drink from. The Lord said, “Ricardo all of this has been prepared for my people!” This was the table prepared for the wedding of the Lamb.
    There is another sister in Christ who was also taken to heaven and she also saw angels going back and forth preparing the wedding supper also! I told the Lord, “Why did this sister see angels preparing things here, but I don't see any preparations being done?” The Lord replied, “That is because all the preparations are complete!” There are crowns for all those who work and are obedient to the Lord. I then said, “Lord when are you coming back then, if all preparations are complete? How much longer till you return? Show me the clock, how much time is left in the heavenly clock?” Many other people have had dreams of a clock, showing almost midnight when the Lord is supposed to return. I asked, “Lord when will the clock strike midnight? Is it one minute left? five minutes?” Jesus studied my face for a moment, then He replied, “Ricardo, in heaven there is no more clock!” I then responded, “Well Lord, if there is no more time, why haven't you returned yet?” Jesus lifts his hands and takes his thumb and forefinger showing the sign for something very small and said, “All the time that is left is simply the Father's grace for those who have backslidden to offer them a chance to repent and do the first works.” And the Lord of Hosts hasn't returned because he has given us all a tiny space to repent and that time is called “A time of the Father's grace.” Jesus is coming at any moment, we must begin to seek Him with all our hearts and fast and pray and do the first works of old. I am almost finished. Jesus repeated, “We are on the time of God's grace!
    Then an angel appeared to our right and shouted, “The time has come!! Time is finished. Every preparation is complete! Jesus is receiving His bride!” The Lord is coming and all the signs of the scriptures are fulfilled! The movies are showing that something catastrophic is coming. The scientists know that something great will happen, they just don't understand what it is! However, we the church know that Jesus is coming soon! When the angel finished shouting, then all of the millions of angels started jumping and rejoicing that the bride is finally returning to heaven. I kept asking, “What is going on?” but no one paid attention to me, they were all rejoicing in the good news. So, I joined the angels and started exalting Jesus' name also! At that moment, when I lifted my arms I felt someone lift me out of heaven and send me down at a tremendous rate of speed.
    Right now, the angels are all rejoicing that the bride is returning. I came back to the earth and was dropped at the pulpit in the church where I would pray every day. Time is so short!! If you don't want to believe me, then don't believe.. But He's coming and it will be for eternity. The people of God don't want to believe in the rapture. Please awake, for God's sake awaken to the truth!! (Ricardo is crying).
    The Lord was here next to me and He told me, “Ricardo, this is what the rapture would look like if it happened right now!” I was then able to see the whole earth and the precious, beautiful Holy Spirit, the one who gives us peace and joy leave this earth. I then saw a vapor enter the church and surrounded me and I asked the Lord, “What's this?” He said, “This is what I call the Rapture.” I then saw people breaking down the church doors, wanting to come in, and shouting, “Where are my children? They are all gone!” All children of the earth were gone because God will not leave any behind. The first one to enter the church was the choir director, shouting, “Where's the church! I am left behind! I stayed! I stayed!” After the choir director, I saw other pastors and brothers and sisters and the overseer of the church all crying, “I was left behind!” Many parents and spouses were looking for their loved ones and the people in the church responded, “Your loved ones aren't here! The Lord took them.” Then these people would cry, “Then it was all true, Jesus came and took His bride!
    People were weeping and lamenting wishing that they had believed in Jesus the Christ. Everyone who doesn't believe in Jesus as the Messiah is lost! I saw many people and pastors crying and the people started demanding the pastors, “Why didn't you preach the truth, why didn't you teach holiness and warn me about all of this? It is all your fault that I was left behind!” Many will stay behind because they are not living holy lives. We need to preach true holiness and teach people to truly repent! I saw how people would beat the pastors and tear them to shreds and pull out their hair. The pastors would cry and beg the people not to harm them. The people would not stop because they were now demonized.
    There are entire churches that will be left behind. I saw a brother that was trying to rip his own eyes out because of the sorrow. And people would hit their heads against floors and walls because they couldn't understand that Jesus was the only answer. Because people wanted to continue in sin and wickedness and live life the way they wanted to. People would cut themselves and bang their heads until you could see their skulls crack and they would fall to the ground. I the blood flow freely in the church from people who were injuring themselves. Then I saw a youth crying out to God, “Please Lord, take me!” It was too late. Jesus had already come and received His church. I fell to the ground because I saw many more terrible things.
    Jesus said to me, “In the great tribulation, there will be troubles like never before.” I then asked, “Why are people jumping back up after hurting themselves so badly?” The Lord Jesus replied, “Because at this time, people will long for death, but will not find it. Death will have fled from the earth. I asked the Lord, “Why did all these pastors and people stay behind?” And the Lord said, “Because I know them. I know their hearts.” God knows us.. He knows all of our hearts. I collapsed to the ground, almost fainted. Jesus said, “I wanted to show you this so that you could warn my church and give them hope. Tell them that if people will repent now, I will forgive them while there is still time. I will do a great thing in the earth.”
    Please, open your eyes. The evangelical church in Chile is growing. “Tell my people that if they ask for forgiveness, I will pardon.” I then saw another vision and I saw a fire that covered the entire heavens. Jesus asked, “Did you see it? That fire that you see over the earth, is a fire over the country of Chile. Because Chile will be for Christ! God will change Chile!” I then saw the fire move and want to come upon Chile and Jesus said, “My Father's eyes are upon Chile.” When the fire fell upon Chile, other countries will see it and notice that God is moving there. The church all over the earth rejoiced because of the move of God in Chile. The Lord took me in the vision to a place called “Paseo Humada” and showed me people that were maimed and crippled. Then I saw true believers praying over cripples without legs and commanding the limbs to grow. The limbs would obey and grow before their eyes. People without arms would have instantaneous creation of new limbs. During this time, the Lord will show creative miracles. In the churches people will be healed. In this day, the dead will be raised and God will use you in Chile to perform the same miracles that the apostles of old performed in the bible.
    That is the entire revelation that God gave me (Ricardo Cid).  He is coming soon. Maranatha! Amen!

8 Hours in Heaven
by Ricardo Cid