Thursday 11 October 2018

Korean Pastor Raised from the Dead

Korean Pastor Raised from the Dead

In my previous post I wrote about a book called "Baptized by Blazing Fire."  There are actually five books in the series by brother Yong-Doo Kim.

Today I would like to share an excerpt from Book 3.  It's about a Korean pastor, named Kim, Young Gun, who was raised from the dead in 1998. Please prayerfully read. For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not.

Here's the testimony of brother Kim, Yong-Doo about his friend, brother Kim, Young Gun:

March 10, 2005 (Thursday)

Pastor Kim, Yong-Doo: * Oh! Pastor Kim, Young Gun

    Sung Min general hospital is located in my neighborhood. Pastor Kim, Young Gun, had evangelized and ministered at this hospital. I had once admitted myself to Sung Min hospital. When I was a patient there, the pastor and I had greeted each other and became acquainted. I had sometimes invited him to my church to give a sermon as a guest speaker.

    Pastor Kim, Young Gun once told me a story. He was in his early 60s. He had always evangelized at the hospitals. He was also well known for evangelizing on the streets. One day, he fell ill as his liver swelled. A lot of water filled his liver and stomach. More than that, he also had jaundice, an illness that colors the body yellow. He admitted himself to the hospital while he was evangelizing.

    Pastor Kim, Young Gun was once dispatched to the Philippines on a missionary trip by his church. While he was on his mission trip in the Philippines, he had over-exerted himself and worked beyond his physical strengths. The pastor was very stressed by the pressure he received from his church. They wanted results and they called him frequently. “How many people have you evangelized? How many new registrants have you enjoined?” They utilized various tactics to pressure and interrogate him. The pressure and stress eventually overtook him and he had become physically ill. He died during treatment in Korea.

* Hymns That Should Be Sung At A Funeral

    Pastor Kim, Young Gun explained the experience when his spirit/soul departed his body. He said when he breathed his last breath he experienced his spirit/soul separate from his physical body. In fact, his spirit/soul looked identical to his physical body. Pastor Kim, Young Gun was able to see the doctor use the defibrillator on his body. The doctors had attempted to resuscitate him several times with the defibrillator. With no result, the doctors confirmed his time of death and had covered his whole body and face with the white linen.

    The Pastor’s family and relatives had come too late and were informed of his death once they had reached the hospital. On the day of the funeral, the people attending sang hymns. The hymns they sang were slow and the slow rhythm made the day depressing. The funeral was more or less a sad march down to the grave site. The Pastor continued and said that when the people sang the slow songs, his soul weakened. Although he wanted to immediately fly to heaven, he was not able to. He needed the people in the funeral to sing fast, powerful, up-beat hymns. He said that his soul was not gaining any strength and was therefore frustrated and worried. Fortunately, someone recommended hymn 388 and they began to sing in an up-beat rhythm. As soon as the people began singing the fast and powerful hymn, his soul flew at great speed and arrived at the gate of heaven. The Pastor said that the gates of heaven consisted of twelve pearl gates and were a magnificent sight. The Pastor’s first impression was amazement: “Literally fantastic!”

    As Pastor Kim, Young Gun attempted to enter the pearl gates of heaven, two angels standing guard gave him a stern, frightening look. The Pastor became very frightened and his heart was filled with fear. The two angels had a large sword at their side. They were very tall and he could not properly view all of them with one glance.

    The angels asked the Pastor: “How dare you walk near the gate? Who are you? What is your title and what did you do when you were on earth?” The Pastor answered, “I had just died from an illness; my liver swelled. I was a Pastor and I worked as a missionary.” The angels demanded a ticket. “Very well, present your ticket of permission to enter heaven. Now!” I replied in shock. “What! You need a permission ticket to enter heaven? I had never heard of such thing! I do not have one.” One of the angels immediately replied: “What! What are you saying? How dare you walk toward the gate without a permission ticket!” As the angel rebuked me, the other angel kicked me like I was a soccer ball. In that moment, the Pastor thought he was kicked very far off. Then the same angel who had kicked him caught up to him and kicked him once more for a second time and even farther away.

    The Pastor was suddenly kicked toward hell and was dangling at the edge of a cliff. The Pastor was able to observe the miserable sights of hell. As the Pastor dangled off the edge of the cliff, he pleaded for someone to save him. Then the angel pointed and said, “Look at those souls! Look very closely at those souls going to hell! All of those souls attended church and lived a faithful life but the errors of their Pastor’s teaching led them to hell! I am showing you this scene because you are also a Pastor who led a ministry. You cannot be forgiven for you have committed the same atrocity. They did not keep Sundays holy and did not properly keep their faith. They mocked God and believed according to what they wanted to believe and based their faith on what was in their minds.”

    Within the moment Pastor Kim was about to be thrown in hell, two souls immediately came and earnestly grabbed hold of him. The Pastor found out later that the two souls were his relatives who were prayer warriors. Due to their earnest pleadings, the Lord had granted the Pastor an extension of seven more years to live. The Pastor received special grace. He had been given another chance and had escaped from being thrown into hell.

    The Pastor came back down to earth to reunite with his dead body. When he came back, his relatives were still singing hymns. The songs they were singing were once again slow and sad. They sounded like farewell songs, as though, a couple or friends were parting forever. The Pastor was very upset over the songs that were being sung. Whenever believers sleep and go to heaven, the people at the funeral should be celebrating with fast, joyous, enliven, and victorious hymns. We as believers must engrave this into our hearts.

    He had experienced a supernatural event. With the power of God, the Pastor had come back alive. Now, this is the seventh year and because of exhaustion and illness, he had relapsed once more. His liver had swelled up and the Pastor had to be admitted to intensive care. Pastor Kim, Young Gun earnestly appealed, “Pastor Kim, Yong-Doo, I was very proud of myself. Until now, I thought I had evangelized properly throughout my life and in faith. I later realized that I had done it all with my strength and passion instead with the guidance and help of the Holy Spirit. Please Pastor Kim, Yong-Doo, you must seek help from the Holy Spirit in every case. I want you to lead your ministry with the help and strength of the Holy Spirit.” Pastor Kim, Young Gun then asked me to sing many hymns that are powerful and strengthening. Joo-Eun, Sister Baek, Bong-Nyu, my wife, and I gathered around Pastor Kim, Young Gun. The Lord, Jesus, accompanied us as well. Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the guardian angels watched and prepared to take the Pastor to heaven.

    Today is Thursday and the Lord announced that He was going to take Pastor Kim, Young Gun to heaven soon. When Joo-Eun and Sister Baek, Bong- Nyu glanced up to heaven, the home of Pastor Kim was almost finished. The last thing was for the Pastor’s soul to arrive in heaven. His home was waiting. Pastor Kim, Young Gun and his wife were very joyous once they heard of that news.

* If I Die, I Want To Die During Preaching A Sermon On The Platform

    There are many pastors, including myself, who wish on a certain issue. I had been curious on how the Lord may respond and what His thoughts would be with this certain issue. “My beloved, Jesus! There are many pastors in Korea and many are especially filled with grace. They often say that when they go they would like their last moment to be on the altar during the middle of their sermon. I also wish for that. Now, Pastor Kim, Young Gun has fallen ill due to his liver swelling as a result of over-exhaustion and exertion. He had not taken care of himself very well physically. What are your thoughts on that, Lord?”

    The Lord began to explain in regards to this matter using Pastor Kim, Young Gun as an example. “It is truly regrettable. It is foolish to think and act this way! Pastor Kim, Young Gun is a servant I truly esteem. But for the sake of the gospel, he went through fire and water not taking care of his health. Therefore, he had become ill. Father God, the Holy Spirit, and I are in agreement with this view. From your perception, it may appear as a blessing. It may seem faithful to collapse from exhaustion or exertion during the middle of evangelizing or preaching -- perhaps even dying during evangelizing or preaching. However, that is not everything! Being faithful with all of your strength is very important, but not at the expense of your physical bodies. You must take care of your bodies in order to continue and serve me for a long time. Your body is given to you by Father God. There is a time to rest and a proper amount is needed and required.

    “It is not wise for one to do my work with only absolute enthusiasm. One must do the work with wisdom. Pastor Kim, Young Gun was only in his early 60s and he could have continued my work for a longer period. He was very foolish and not very wise. He did not realize how I esteemed him! However, it is now too late.”

    I thought it would have been nice if Jesus would have healed him. However, it appears that the Lord had decided to take him home to heaven. The Lord made it absolutely clear that doing His work in faithfulness and with all of our being was very important. Moreover, taking care of our physical bodies continuously was equally important. The majority truly do think that it is certainly good faith if we go through fire and water for the Lord’s concern, but that is not everything, although, it is important.

    The Lord said, “The physical body of Pastor Kim, Young Gun had become sick and exhausted. It is his time to rest now.” The Lord then looked at me and said, “Pastor Kim, Yong-Doo, you must also listen carefully! Do you understand? In order to serve for a lengthy period, you must steadily take care of your health.” I replied, “Amen.”

    Joo-Eun had a vision of God’s throne. Father God also said, “My beloved servant! Why did you over work yourself to have your body come to that stage?” As Father spoke, He had compassion on him. He then commanded the angels. “Prepare to welcome Pastor Kim, Young Gun.” As Pastor Kim, Young Gun laid in bed, Jesus caressed him and said with comforting words, “you will enter heaven very soon. In heaven, all the souls and angels are preparing a great event to welcome you. Although it will be a bit difficult for a moment, I expect you to endure it.”

    As Pastor Kim, Young Gun listened to the conversation, his face brightened up. Pastor Kim, Young Gun’s guardian angel had three pairs of wings. He had a home that was awaiting him in heaven. The house was as tall as the skies of heaven. Inside the home, the angels were busy moving about, preparing for his arrival. Joo-Eun wanted to know when Pastor Kim, Young Gun was going to heaven and asked Jesus. The Lord said that He would take him to heaven after two days.

    I meticulously explained some of the revelations that were happening in our church. The Pastor answered with a surprised look. “What! When I had visited your church to speak, none of those experiences or revelations were occurring. Now your church is experiencing great revelations.” I answered him, stating that it was all due to the Lord’s grace. I continued and asked Pastor Kim, Young Gun: “Pastor Kim! Before you leave the earth, I would like to share Holy Communion with you for the last time.” Pastor Kim delightfully accepted. The Lord then spoke through Joo-Eun: “In a little while, you will enter heaven. Let us then celebrate.” I obeyed and said, “Amen!”

Many saints and pastors cannot be used because they are lazy and self-indulging. Then there are some who physically over-exert themselves and as a result become ill. This is also a problem! Moreover, unnecessarily idolizing one’s physical body is also a big sin.

[Excerpt from Book 3 ends here.]

A short sample of the book is available online. At the link I've provided here, you can find various formats of all five book summaries, including Word, PDF, and MP3.  Numerous events, encounters, details and visions were not included in this summary version. For the complete version please purchase the book at

If you desire revival in your life, you should read or listen to this book.  If you desire to overcome sin and learn how to be victorious over the flesh and the devil, then read the book.  If you want to know how to pray effectively in spiritual warfare, then read this book.

Book One, Book Two, Book Three, Book Four, Book Five

Please and use the Testimony Review Process adopted by this blog, as you decide for yourself whether the Lord has spoken to brother Kim.  For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not.

Author's note: If you enjoyed this post, you may also like the other posts in this blog available through the links in the side bar, especially Nigerian Pastor Raised from the Dead, Revelation of Hell to Seven Colombian Youths, Angelica Zambrano Heaven and Hell, Vision of Hell by Emmanuel Agyarko, Ibrahim's Experience in Hell, and Australian Pastor Raised from the Dead. You may also access my complete blog directory at "Writing for the Master."

Do You Want to Know Him?
If you want to know Jesus personally, you can. It all begins when you repent and believe in Jesus.  Do you know what God's Word, the Bible says?

“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’” (Mar 1:14b-15).  He preached that we must repent and believe.

Dare to Believe

Dare to Believe

I have met so many people who don't believe in hell.  It's probably safe to say that this is a prevailing way of thinking in our world.  It's very popular to have "no fear." And even among those who believe in hell, most people sincerely believe they are going to heaven.

So today I want to do something bold.  I'd like to respectfully challenge you to a holy dare.  I dare you to prayerfully read all of the posts in this blog about people's experiences seeing heaven and hell.  Each blog links to a testimony in written, video, or audio format, so be sure to read, watch, or listen to all the testimonies!

Here is a list of the blogs in the dare:

Angelica Zambrano Hell and Heaven
Revelation of Hell to Seven Colombian Youths
Australian Pastor Raised from the Dead
Nigerian Pastor Raised from the Dead
Vision of Hell by Emmanuel Agyarko 
Korean Pastor Raised from the Dead
Baptize by Blazing Fire

There's one important criteria: If you believe in Jesus, then before you read each post, stop and pray this earnestly and sincerely, "Lord Jesus, please reveal to me the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Expose all deception."

If you don't believe in Jesus, then you may sincerely pray with an earnest heart, "Jesus, I don't even know if you are God.  But if you are, then reveal yourself to me through these testimonies. I want to know the truth about you."

Please remember to do this before reading each post.  If you truly want to know the truth, then by the time you have finished with these posts, I believe you will never be the same again.  The truth is a Person, and His name is Jesus Christ.  He said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him."  (Joh 14:6-7)

Angelica Zambrano Second Visit to Hell

Angelica Zambrano Second Visit to Hell

Angelica Zambrano
In a previous post on this blog, I wrote about a visit to hell by an Ecuadorean girl, named Angelica Zambrano.  This occurred in 2009.

But a new video in Spanish has just been released of her second visit to hell, close to midnight on January 4, 2010.  She was also taken to heaven.  This happened in Empalme, Ecuador.

Here is a link to her testimony:
Angelica's video testimony of her second visit to hell (English voice over)

Angelica's testimony of her second visit to hell (English text)

What she saw their will shock you.  Rather than describe it here, I would like you to prayerfully read for yourself and see what the Lord showed and told her.  For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not.

If you believe there is a purgatory, you should watch this.  If you pray the rosary, you should watch this.  If you do not give your tithes and offerings to the Lord, you should watch this. 

Angelica's body while her spirit was in heaven and hell
If you want to be encouraged, you should watch this.  She saw the Book of Life in heaven, and the names written in it.  She also saw the crown of life that she will be given when she is finished with her earthly life and goes to heaven to remain there.  In the Book of Life, there were names written in gold letters.  These are all the people who have are saved and following Jesus.  Some names were sparkling brighter than the others, which were names of those who were in the process of repenting and giving their whole lives to Jesus.  Other names were fading, which were people who were falling away from the Lord.

I urge you to read her short testimony, or watch the video (below), if you understand Spanish.  It could be the very thing that God uses to keep you from continuing on the path to destruction.  Even if you think you are a good person and you are not doing anything wrong, you should watch this.  Even if you think you are putting your trust only in Jesus for your salvation, you should read it.  If you are truly saved, you have nothing to worry about by watch this.  But if there is some area of your life that God wants to address though this testimony, then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by paying attention to it.

Here is the Spanish version of Angelica's video testimony, which contains footage of her body while she was visiting heaven and hell:

If this has impacted your life, please drop me a note and then share the link with others.

Author's note: Angelica is not personally connected with this site. Please prayerfully listen to her testimony, and use the Testimony Review Process adopted by this blog, as you decide for yourself whether the Lord has spoken to her.  For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not. For more information on our position, please see Disclaimers.

As I mentioned in my introduction, this was Angelica's second visit to hell. If you have not yet read the testimony of her first visit, then please read Angelica Zambrano Hell and Heaven. She has also had a third visit to hell, which I covered in my blog Rock, Rap, and Reggae Music -- Two Divine Revelations. If you enjoyed this post, please also see Ibrahim's Experience in Hell. You may find more blogs like this one at the Main Directory for Eternal Destinations, and find a collection of all my blogs at Writing for the Master.

Angelica Zambrano Hell and Heaven

Angelica Zambrano Hell and Heaven

Angelica Zambrano
A friend recently encouraged me to watch a video recording of Angelica Zambrano's testimony.  This is a story of a young lady from Ecuador, who claims she was visited by Jesus on November 7, 2009, and was shown hell and heaven. I thought I'd watch it later, but ended up watching it all in one sitting. It's very powerful and compelling. You don't want to miss this.

I urge you to prayerfully watch it and share it with everyone you know. Please follow the Testimony Review Process adopted by this blog, as you decide for yourself whether the Lord has spoken to Angelica.  For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not.

Click here to watch the video in English.

Click here to watch the video in Spanish.

Here's my review after seeing it.  I carefully listened to what she said, and I did not hear anything that contradicted the Word of God.  Her message is in line with the Scriptures.Her mother also testifies in the video about the events surrounding Angelica's death.  After watching it, I have no question that this is a legitimate experience that was from the Lord.

She has many warnings in this video from the Lord Jesus.  He is weeping, because more people are being condemned than those who are being saved.  Multitudes are pouring into hell on a daily basis, and it breaks His heart.  Many of the people going to hell attend church and know the Word of God.  They may have once had a relationship with the Lord, but they have left the straight path.  They have wandered away from Him or compromised their lives in some way, as I have written about in Drifting Away

She saw many famous people in hell, including a past pope. She said the Lord showed her this man's life on earth and the reasons he is in hell today (I have covered some of these in a previous post already).  She saw entertainers and singers there, like Selena Quintanilla-PĂ©rez and Michael Jackson.  There were even people she had known on earth, who had once walked with the Lord, but loved the world or the things of this world more than Him. She even saw her great grandmother there, who carried unforgiveness in her heart during her life.

When the Lord showed her heaven, it was more beautiful than anything we could imagine. In fact, He Himself is more beautiful than words could describe.  His very presence communicated love.  In heaven she saw numerous, well-known people from the Bible.  She saw King David, Abraham, and Joseph.  They all looked so young and beautiful, dressed in white robes. She saw Sarah and Mary Magdalene, as well as Mary, the woman who gave birth to Jesus on earth. 

When Angelica saw Mary, Jesus wanted her to know that Mary has no knowledge of anything on earth.  The only thing you should adore or exalt is Jesus, because neither Mary nor any other saint can give salvation.  The only one that can give salvation is Jesus, and apart from Him, no one can save.

Angelica said the Lord urges us to seek the Lord now while there is time. Adore Him. He's coming soon for His holy ones.  He said, "I am coming now!"  No one knows the date or the hour when He is coming, but only the holy ones will see Him.  Only the holy ones will live in heaven.  There will be no idolators, drunkards, adulterers, fornicators, greedy or swindlers in heaven.  

Hell is real!  It's not a game, but an actual place of torment. Jesus said He did not create hell for man, but for Satan.  But humans are there, because of sin.  Idolators will not inherit the kingdom of heaven, so repent and depart from idolatry.  God wants to give you the best. He wants you to enter the kingdom of heaven.   Jesus Christ died for you and all mankind.  He wants you to repent, so that you can be saved.

This video caused me to seriously examine my own heart and repent of any areas that are displeasing to Him.  I encourage you to watch this video and see for yourself whether it is true.  If it is a farce, then you will clearly see that.  However, I think you will find, as I did, that this is a very important message from the Lord for us today.

The time is short.  We should share this with our family, friends, and everyone we know. I highly recommend it.  Today many believers are embarrassed to share the gospel.  But the Lord said that if you do not warn them, then their blood will be on your hands.  Pray for them and warn them about hell.  Tell them the good news of the gospel.  Don't be afraid that they may reject the truth.  Just leave the results with the Lord.  Then your hands will be clean of their blood.  Let's be diligent to work in the vineyard while there is still daylight.

Author's note:  Angelica is not personally connected with this site. Please prayerfully listen to this sister's testimony, and use the Testimony Review Process adopted by this blog, as you decide for yourself whether the Lord has spoken to her.  For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not. For more information on our position, please see Disclaimers.

If you enjoyed this post, you may also wish to read Angelica Zambrano Second Visit to Hell. And you may find more of my blogs at Writing for the Master.

Taken to Hell

 Taken to Hell

I would simply like to repost the following testimony by brother Kim Yong Doo, given on March 31, 2012 at the Colorado Holy Fire Revival.  Please prayerfully read. For issues and concerns, each person must confirm with the Lord, whether something is valid or not.

“While I was lying down, Jesus took me to hell. There are different levels of hell. As I was going through the different levels, there were different devils. Big ones, even tiny devils they were devouring my flesh. When I went 3 levels down, devils held a stick made of needles. They started hitting me with a stick. It hurt so much, it was very hard to endure. Around 3pm that day, I started bleeding, it did not stop. I was so exhausted that I prayed to the Lord: ‘Lord, it is so hard, I am going to die. It is so hard Lord.’ The Lord said it was my calling, so we had to continue. The Lord gave me a word from the book of Revelation 2:10. Obedience to the point of death. You have to be obedient till you die, in order to receive His full life.

Hell is pitch dark. The Lord opened my eyes and helped me to see while visiting hell. Whenever I go to hell, there are so many doors to hell. The doors are so varied, so many, different from one another. For example one of these door, as you enter hell, you fall into a place of lava; another place as you enter it becomes so narrow, as narrow as a knife (1mm), because the path is so narrow, everyone falls off onto one of the sides. There is no exit! When people fall off, there are very long needles sticking up on both sides, and so many souls get stuck there.

There is another hell that is like a blender. Any soul stuck there gets blended.

There is also a place like a prison with iron bars. The electrical current that runs through the bars is so powerful. As soon as they touch the bars, the souls melt away. Imaging a small room with 5,000 people, and everyone is trying to get to the center, away from the bars.

When people in the outer area get touched by the bars, they melt away entirely right away.

There is a path to hell, as soon as you enter through the path, you cannot go back. It only goes forward, and you get sucked immediately. From there, the souls can see the path to heaven and they scream ‘Oh no, I have to go to heaven! Oh no, I have to go to heaven now! Why am I here? No, no, please!’

Because so many people are going to hell, they are pushing each other. In those instances, everybody push forward going straight to hell. The path to hell is so wide, as wide as a stadium. It seems that Hell is bigger than heaven, and only about 1 in a thousand goes to heaven.

Not many people go to heaven as you might think. Only a small amount of people make it to heaven, so don’t be too confident with your salvation! Even though we have become the people of God, don’t have the overconfidence that leads to conceit. You don’t go to heaven because you are certain. You have to be humble and meek in order to go to heaven. Even though you have received salvation, you have to think as if you have not arrived at your salvation yet. That is why we have to work out our salvation with much fear and trembling every day.

When I go to hell, there are so many things that are shocking to me. There are countless pastors in hell. There are many famous seminary professors there also; many that you might know. There are pastors who have played with the gifts of God. And the place where the pastor’s wives go is also big, you cannot even imagine. The place in Hell where Church leaders go is also very big, and full of people. After seeing that place, I tell people 'don’t desire to become pastors, because pastors are responsible for their congregations souls'. I am asking those who desire to be servants of God, if possible just remain members of the church and diligently server God. There are many members of my church who have graduated from the seminary, but are now working hard as regular members of church serving the Lord. Members of my church have greater faith than regular church pastors, that’s how I fostered them. No matter where they are sent, they can cast out demons.”

-Brother Kim Yong Doo

When Earth Recedes and Heaven Opens

 When Earth Recedes and Heaven Opens

                                                                                  D.L. Moody

In another blog of mine, called The Four Tallest Homes in Heaven (see here), I told of a conservative Presbyterian Pastor from Korea, named Yong Park, who was taken to Heaven and Hell when he died tragically in 1987. He was shown why some saints are richly rewarded in Heaven.  These included those saints with the four tallest homes in heaven, two of whom are John Wesley and D.L. Moody.  Both of these men labored tirelessly for the Lord in preaching the gospel to their generations in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries respectively.

As I mentioned in my blog called The Lord's Day (see here), about keeping Sundays holy, both John Wesley and D.L. Moody believed and taught that we should keep the Sabbath, according to the fourth commandment.  You can read Wesley's position on the Sabbath (see here), as well as Moody's (see his view on the Fourth Commandment here). And they both believed that the Christian Sabbath is on Sundays, not Saturdays (see my blog about that here), which was their constant practice.

Today I would like to share an excerpt from a book, called The Shorter Life of D.L. Moody, regarding his deathbed experience. It was glorious!

"When D. L. Moody, the American evangelist, was dying, his son was at his bedside and heard him say in slow and measured words, 'Earth recedes: heaven opens before me.' His son’s impulse was to arouse him from what he thought was a dream. 'No, this is no dream, Will,' he said. 'It is beautiful!…If this is death, it is sweet!…God is calling me and I must go.'

"Later he exclaimed, 'This is my triumph; this is my coronation day! I have been looking forward to it for years.' Then his face lit up, and he said joyfully, 'Dwight! Irene! I see the children’s faces!' referring to his two grandchildren, whom God had taken home within the past year. Again he said later, 'This is my coronation day! It’s glorious!'"

There is much more to his testimony that's worth reading, and it's all posted a on the Consumed in Christ website (see here).  I encourage you to read the whole testimony!

I also highly recommend another web page called Death Bed experiences (see here). It is an excellent article posted on Bible Guidance.

One other article, called Stories of Faith (see here), has fifty stories of God’s people down the ages, "who have faced death with an unshakeable faith and a triumphant spirit." There are thousands of such stories down through history, but these are worth telling for posterity to hear.

Today there is so much fascination with NDE's (Near Death Experiences) and OBE's (Out of Body Experiences).  I think that any research on these topics should include these sites I've just mentioned that contain stories of famous people who died.  There is a stark contrast between the horrible and terrifying death of the wicked, and the sweet and peaceful death of the righteous. This is because the righteous know Jesus Christ as their Savior and are ready for the end of their earthly life.  They have made peace with God and received the gift of eternal life through their faith in Christ.  My friend, please make very sure you are ready, because we all have an appointment we will definitely not miss, which is our appointed day to die, and we have no idea when that will be.

You can also find my complete collection of blogs at Writing for the Master.

Photo credit: D.L. Moody photo from Sermon Index.

Ibrahim's Experience in Hell

 Ibrahim's Experience in Hell

A brother in Christ, named Ibrahim, was given revelations from our Lord Jesus Christ during a forty day fast in September 2011.  (His full name is withheld for his protection, since he works for Christ in dangerous territories). He has recorded these revelations in a blog called "Walking in God's Perfect Will" (see here), which I highly recommend reading. In this article or e-book, he shares some of the keys he has learned to being continually filled with the Spirit and experiencing the presence of the Lord.

For example, he says, "The real essence of learning is to determine the will of God (Eph 5:17; Rom.12:2), and the real essence of living is to do the will of God."

He goes on to write, "No man will be granted access into heaven who did not give his heart to doing the will of the Father while on earth (Matt. 7:21). Someone has said that heaven is the place for those who say to God 'thy will be done,' and hell is the place for those to whom God eventually says 'thy will be done.'"

The purpose of his book is to help each person reading it fulfill God's purpose for their lives on earth, which is His perfect will.  And he stressed that "the glorious presence of God is indeed all we need to do His will in this generation."

He was given a glorious vision of the rapture, recorded in Chapter 8 of his book, in which he saw the present condition of the saints who are going up with the Lord.  They are doing the will of God.  But he also saw the present condition of those who are going down to destruction.  In fact, almost all the prominent and well-known ministers in his country of Nigeria, as well as about twelve prominent ministers based in the United States, were headed down to destruction.  He gave their names for the redemptive purpose of warning them, so that they can repent and avoid perishing.  He stated:

"These include Enoch Adeboye (Redeemed Christian Church of God), David Oyedepo (Living Faith Church), TundeBakare (Latter Rain Assembly), Ayo Oritsejafor (President, Christian Association of Nigeria), Dr. Olukoya (Mountain of Fire and Miracles), Mathew Ashimolowo (Kingsway Church, United Kingdom), Chris Oyakhilome (Christ Embassy), T.B. Joshua (Synagogue of All Nations), Chris Okotie (Household of God), Uma Ukpai and many others!"

"I have never met or known any of these minsters. However, some of these ministers were brought to me in the place of prayer for intercession during the forty-day fast preceding this vision. The Lord introduced them to me as lost ministers."

"Christian national leaders from other countries include –Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Billy Graham, Joyce Meyer, Rod Parsley, Myles Munroe, Mike Murdock, Paula White, Ron Kenoly, Donnie McClurkin, Pat Robertson, Reinhard Bonke, Pope Benedict, David Yongi Cho, Duncan Williams and many others!"

"The essence of mentioning these names is for these people to be warned by those who know them and love them so there can be a change in their ways before it is too late! My responsibility is to simply report what I saw and to warn, so I am free of their blood. There are many other lost ministers whose names cannot be listed here, but let everyone examine himself before the searchlight of the Holy Spirit. Each of us must confront ourselves with the gospel of truth before it is too late forever!"

The Lord also granted Ibrahim the opportunity to see hell, which is the final destination of these ministers, unless they repent.  In hell, he was allowed to speak to several people, including three top preachers from Nigeria, who have already died and ended up there.  He describes their horrific torment, and names these people, as well.  I am not going to name them here, because I don't want to be sensational.  But you should read Chapter 8 of his blog, in order to see for yourself who they are.  Then you can pray for the ones who are still alive, so that they might realize the seriousness of their sin and repent.  And if you know them, or support their ministry, you can warn them of their dire situation.

If you are not familiar with the ones from Nigeria, you can do like I did and google their names, then read their biographies.  You will be surprised, because based on what is written about their earthly lives and ministries, you would never guess that they are now in hell.  And the Lord told Ibrahim that if anyone has any questions about this revelation, they should ask the Lord first.

So I'd like to encourage you to read the book and pray about it.  Take this to heart, because this is the season of judgment, and the Lord says He cannot bear any longer what these ministers are doing in His name. He is coming to judge the earth.  This should be a warning for all of us, even if your name is not listed as one of the ministers headed for destruction.

As Ibrahim emphasizes so well in his book, we need to be free from all hypocrisy and to be pure in heart.  We need to pursue holiness -- for without holiness, no man shall see God.